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Backup Creation?

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    Backup Creation?

    What is a good way to back up my system? I want to try this new ATI driver that came out, and in general i'd just like to have a backup. Is there a special way of doing it, or just burn my home folder onto a dvd? How would multiple dvd's work?


    Re: Backup Creation?

    Probably there as many answers to that question as there are Linux users!

    First, did you put your /home directory on a separate partition on your hard drive? That's the first line of defense against damage to data due to screwing around with the OS.

    DVDs are a good approach, but a DVD holds what -- 4GB or so? So, depending on how much stuff you've got to back up, it could be a pile of DVDs -- that's my situation.

    External hard drives (USB and Firewire) are real popular as backup devices.

    I personally am guilty of using internal hard drives on my giant desktop box as backup devices. I say "guilty" because if some catastrophe happens to my house, they'll be destroyed as well as the primary hard drive where new data goes. The truly secure data backup is not located in the same house where the computer that saved it lives.

    That's my two cents' worth on the subject.


      Re: Backup Creation?

      Everything is on the same partition currently. Can that be seperated out even after installation? Other than that, i may consider getting a small external hd for this, but atm I dont have a lot on here.

      Basically I'd just like to backup my current settings + wine programs and configs. I'm a total newb at linux, and I just know I'll regret it when I delete the wrong file, or edit the wrong file and can't get wine to work like it does now, or worse, ruin my install of Kubuntu and have to reinstall. Took me FOREVER to figure out how to get things running like they do now, and I just want a simple backup of my current settings, 2-3 dvds will probably be more than enough for now.


        Re: Backup Creation?

        How would i back my system up using multiple dvd's? I'm unsure as to how i'd go about doing that.

