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Programs for saving / storing web clippings

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    Programs for saving / storing web clippings

    Hi everyone:

    I'm looking for a good solution for clipping parts of internet pages. Ideally, I would like to: (a) have those clippings annotated (ie when clipped, and from what URL); and (b) store them locally on my computer as regular html files (so that I can browse easily without having to open the program, and so that they are catalogued by my desktop search program.

    So far, I have been using NetSnippets under WinXP, which is was great program. Unfortunately, it's not updated any longer, and it's not available for Linux. Also, it doesn't integrate into Firefox too well (eg it doesn't use the sidebar).

    I've looked at the ScrapBook extension for Firefox (; it's very convenient and does annotate clippings, but unfortunately it uses its own format for storing / organizing the clippings.

    Are the other, similar addons for Firefox out there that I haven't come across yet? Or can someone recommend a program that works well for clipping web snippets?


    Re: Programs for saving / storing web clippings

    Hm, is no one ever saving snippets of the internet? Am I the only one??


      Re: Programs for saving / storing web clippings

      Hmm - I'm using ScrapBook.

      but unfortunately it uses its own format for storing / organizing the clippings.
      You probably know, that you can export from scrapbook (-> html).
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: Programs for saving / storing web clippings

        Yeah, I'm aware that you can export html. Unfortunately that's not the same than storing the file as html in the first place, and using export every time you clip something is pretty inconvenient.

        Apart from that, Scrapbook is a very nifty program, though ...

