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problem after updating

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    problem after updating

    Now im new here and have very scarce amount of knowledge of kubuntu so please go easy on me here.
    i installed Kubuntu yesterday worked great figured how to install programs like the compiz desktop effects [still see nothing special yet not effects or anything] did a update and wham! i can no longer update the computer nor can i open the adept package manager and i cant load the "add/remove software" thing either.
    anyhelp here would be greatly appreciated.

    Re: problem after updating

    Originally posted by Cobby

    wham! i can no longer update the computer nor can i open the adept package manager and i cant load the "add/remove software" thing either.
    That sounds pretty rough! Which version did you install? And what is your video system? -- that seems to be half the battle for new Kubuntu user.

    EDIT: In the future, if you will post your question under the applicable Kubuntu version, you can avoid answering my first question.


      Re: problem after updating

      From what i can gather its Kubuntu 7.04.
      i currently have a radeon 9600 pro video card if thats what you were asking about.

