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Where's the Best Place to File Bug Reports?

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    Where's the Best Place to File Bug Reports?

    Often bugs I'm finding in my Kubuntu system appear elsewhere such as in Launchpad/ubuntu and in the KDE bug tracker. How is everyone deciding where to post their bug reports? For example I'm having a bug at the moment that has Firefox and Xorg eating resources. Someone just posted this bug here:

    But I'm not using Ubuntu, I'm using *K*ubuntu. I guess the simple answer is "check every bug tracker and file / add to separate reports". If I'm filing 1 bug on three bug trackers though I only have time to file 1/3 as many bugs! I guess the answer is spend 3 times as much of my time on open source.
    Kubuntu Lover - The blog for Kubuntu lovers since 2008!

    Re: Where's the Best Place to File Bug Reports?

    I think, or have the strong impression, that all *buntu bugs are best reported on Launchpad, under the Ubuntu project.

    If the issue is clearly a Gnome (for Ubuntu), or KDE (for Kubuntu) or XFCE (for Xubuntu) problem, it probably won't get the priority that a driver or kernel problem will get, since they're trying to maximize the programmers' effectiveness by fixing stuff that affects the most users, and causes "serious" problems, first.


      Re: Where's the Best Place to File Bug Reports?

      But I'm not using Ubuntu, I'm using *K*ubuntu.
      Well - You are using Debian based GNU/Linux with KDE desktop.

      If you go to the and click Bugs you will end at

      I think that when you file bug report at launchpad that will eventually end in the right place.

      What is Launchpad?

      We make it easy to collaborate across multiple projects in the free software world.
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: Where's the Best Place to File Bug Reports?

        Thanks all,

        The consensus seems to be the same as what I was thinking. File in Launchpad under Ubuntu unless you *know* it's a KDE specific issue. I just hope that when it *is* a KDE depscific issue without me knowing it that it really does get forwarded to the appropriate KDE person. There's a lot of projects with "Bug contact: Not yet assigned" on them...
        Kubuntu Lover - The blog for Kubuntu lovers since 2008!

