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Dapper KDE Gutted

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    Dapper KDE Gutted

    Why has KDE been gutted in Dapper? There are quite a few applications that should be installed with KDE 3.5 kdeutils that are not present in Dapper, and I'm sure there are others. Also, why have you hijacked Firefox's Help menu? When I need help in Firefox, I don't care about the Deer Park updates, nor to read about Dear Park. If you feel the need to include them, at least _ADD_ them, don't remove the default Firefox items.

    Also(2), why do you, and other distribution builders insist on having obscure and hidden scripts that undo my changes upon reboot (nvidia drivers, for one)? If you're going to restore the system to your liking, vice mine, I don't need you on my computer. You should at least make a way to turn off those (un)helpfull scripts for those of us who know what we want.

    Kubuntu, however easy to install and use, is missing too much to be a serious contender for my desktop. It would take just about as much work to get it to even a basic usable state, as it would to install and set up Debian proper.

    Re: Dapper KDE Gutted

    Dapper is in a developmental stage, meant to be tested. Many things are in flux I would assume. ( I do have dapper installed, but I haven't booted it in at least a week) Also, maybe some parts just haven't yet been built yet?

    What parts specifically are being changed? Maybe (as it is a devevelopmental release) you should post these issues at The only thing I could imagine that could change your nvidia stuff is the almost daily updates to the kernel/xorg and other systems.


      Re: Dapper KDE Gutted

      Originally posted by claydoh
      Also, maybe some parts just haven't yet been built yet?
      Sounds more like a failure to enable the universe repositories since kdeutils is available in Dapper. It's just not installed by default.

