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    Is there a gui for tar balls. I think Linux should have a GUI way to install a program that is not part of the ADEPT packages. I am new to linux and do not feel comfortable with having to do the "make" command line path type of install. Also how come not all programs end up in the menu.


    First, you need to understand the *buntu distributions are in the Debian family of Linuces. So, to have any chance of success, the noob is well-advised to stick to packages compiled for Debian Linuces. NOT rpm packages!

    So, if you find a tarball for a Debian OS, then YES, you can simply download it to your desktop, right-click it, and choose Kubuntu Package Menu>Install, and it will be installed correctly.

    That's assuming you couldn't find it in the 22,000+ packages available from the repositories...... which is really the best way for the noob to go at first.


      Re: TAR BALLS

      O.k., let's try to sort things out:

      Those "tarball" archive files contain the "real stuff" (read: source code) one could compile a package (e.g. an application) from - which is definitely far beyond the scope of a newbie (!).

      Folks new to Kubuntu and/or Debian Linux are supposed to make use of the mountains of packages available from the repositories, which contain mostly the same material, but in a form "(al-)ready for use" - and, to close the circle, which could be installed not least by means of the "Kubuntu Package Menu".

      Or, in short: "*.tar" bad, "*.deb" good (but not: "*.tar" equals "*.deb")

      And, yes, there is no interface (other than Konsole et al.) to compile imported packages from - which, as one day the "former newbie" hopefully will understand, is a not a "bug" at all, but an important feature ...


        Re: TAR BALLS

        Question/Should be #1
        Is there a gui for tar balls.
        tar (file format)

        Yes there is:

        xarchive is a generic gtk2.0 front-end for various archiving programs. It uses wrappers around command line archiving tools to do the actual work. When xarchive starts it consults the wrappers in it's wrapper directory to see what types of files are supported. This makes adding support for a new archive format a simple matter of writting a wrapper for the command line tool and dropping it in the wrapper directory.

        Currently bash shell script wrappers are provided for tar, rar, zip, arj, 7zip, deb, rpm, and ace (ace uses unace and only supports viewing and extracting. The deb and rpm support is also only for viewing and extracting. The appropriate packaging tools should be used to modify debs and rpms).
        Ark is a graphical program for managing various archive formats within the KDE environment. Archives can be viewed, extracted, created and modified from within Ark.

        The program can handle various formats such as tar, gzip, bzip2, zip, rar and lha (if appropriate command-line programs are installed).

        Ark can work closely with Konqueror in the KDE environment to handle archives, if you install the Konqueror Integration plugin available in the konq-plugins package.
        Question/Should be #2
        I think Linux should have a GUI way to install a program that is not part of the ADEPT packages.
        If you want to install programs that are not in the Debian Linux Package format:

        a) Program has own installer.
        You unpack it and run seamonkey-installer.

        b) Program is run ready. You just unpack it and run it.

        c) You compile from sources

        d) Use alien packages with alien :P

        If you install programs without package management then you can't find programs with package managers (apt, aptitude, adept, synaptic...)
        You also need to add programs to the KDE menu + make correct application bindings (konqueror settings)

        Question/Should be #3
        I am new to linux and do not feel comfortable with having to do the "make" command line path type of install.
        If you want to install programs from source:

        Ubuntu Linux Resources

        Installing Software in Ubuntu

        An beginners guide to compiling programs under Linux.

        Compiling Software With Debian Linux

        Installing software from source in Linux - 1.2

        Debian New Maintainers' Guide

        If you don't find program from official repositories:

        0) Do you really need this program ?

        1) Add more repositories:
        Ubuntu sources.list generator
        With this generator you can create your own custom sources.list from various available sources. It takes only two simple steps.
        Even more repos:
        Topic: feisty repos

        2) Use net: Search where excellent_program with .deb (and that is k/x/ubuntu .deb) -> Google/yahoo...

        3) Ask in the forum: Does anyone have excellent_program_0.1.deb

        4) Learn to compile programs.

        5) Use .rpm (Red Hat Package Manager packages)
        There is program for this:
        alien - Convert or install an alien binary package

        alien [--to-deb] [--to-rpm] [--to-tgz] [--to-slp] [options] file [...]

        Question/Should be #4
        Also how come not all programs end up in the menu.
        Because programmer is guru (and thinks that everyone else is).

        Tools to search programs:
        (In the konsole)

        :~$ kappfinder
        kappfinder - searches for program to add to the Kde menu

        kappfinder is a program that searches your system for applications that
        can be inserted in the KDE menu, but that are not yet there. User can
        then select individually each of them and choose whether to add them.
        Finds mostly x-programs:
        xclock, xkill, xmag...

        :~$ update-menus
        update-menus - generate Debian menu system

        update-menus [-v] [-d] [-h|--help] [--version] [--menufilesdir <dir>]
        [--menumethod <method>] [--nodefaultdirs] [--stdout]

        update-menus automatically generates menus of installed programs for
        window managers and other menu programs.
        You need to install package menu for update-menus.

        Update-menus will create Debian folder and add programs to the K > Debian.

        KDE menu editor
        Highlight an item in the section of K-menu you want to edit and right click. A menu will appear, click "Edit Item" option and left click. KDE Menu Editor starts. Now you can add a new submenu or new program.
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information

