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Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

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    Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

    Hi, not really asking for answers to problems yet, just like to give my experiance of kunbuntu. I have used MS windows since the days of 95 and am at present using XP. Over the years I have dabbled with different versions of linux, but sadly never got the hang of it. Over the last month I have installed open Suse, simply mepis and unbuntu sadly I had one problem or another with each of those, suse kept crashing when I tried to configure my print server, both suse and mepis had problems with my monitor /vid card in that I could not set the resolution, being a TFT I wanted to use 1440x900@75hz but I tried everything I read on the forums I found, as well as any guides I could find, no success.

    Anyway for the last 3 days I have been trying Kunbuntu, not only could I set my screen resolution easily, I also got my print server working, no problems, in fact from an XP user point of view, it was a lot easier with kunbuntu than xp. I still cant set up my rapsody media player because for some reason the NDAS software for unbuntu wont unpack but at least I had a working kubuntu system and was impressed even though it was a steep learning curve for me.

    So while I understand its a community based operating system and I appreciate a lot of work goes into producing any distro of linux, I still find trying linux a very difficult thing and wish the documentaion could be written so windows users could try and get a grasp of linux a bit easier as I am sure there are lots of users out there, who like myself would move to linux at the drop of a hat because of what it offers.

    I wont give up trying to work with kunbuntu as I really want to use it instead of XP but its going to take time and a lot of patience.

    I had at the begining of my quest, tried Kunbuntu from the live dvd and everything worked once set up except the resolution but I beleive thats only configed when its installed which it was, but a few things caused problems after installing Kunbuntu, first was I could import my thunderbird profile, I could not find where the profile is stored, its not in my home directory so I searched every folder, no luck. Second was Amorok, it crashed when trying to download a codec for mp3 and I cant fix it so used Banshee instead and now my pc is going really slow for some reason, so I will reinstall Kunbuntu and play with it when I have time, I am not knocking it in anyway so dont get me wrong, I just wish it worked without the challenge because as i said I really want to move away from XP and all that it stands for.

    Re: Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

    Your T-Bird profile is in your home directory, but it is in a hidden directory. If you are using konqueror, click on View and tell it to show hidden files. The directory is .mozilla-thunderbird. You profile will be stored in a directory there, which will look something like 9rj5qt7.default. (That's mine). I have found that, if your using the same version of T-Bird, you can copy the entire contents of the old directory to the new directory on your new installation and it will work. It will include all of your saved mail, address book, and settings. Of course this assumes you have saved a copy of it before installing a new distribution. I just recently did this when I installed Fedora 7 on my computer in a separate partition. I installed T-Bird, then merely copied the files into the new directory and it worked. My next move on this is to set it up to synchronize the files so that I will always have access to the same address book and saved messages no matter which distro I boot to.


      Re: Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

      Hi Detonate, thanks for the tip about hidden files in konqueror, I never thought about directories being hidden, I thought that was a quirk with xp. I need to do a clean install of kunbuntu because when it installed I used 50% of the drive, the idea was to have a sort of C and D, or linux and a partition for backup and files ect but it never went the way I planned, so I need to read up on linux partitions. When I get some time free I will begin again, will take time to understand how it all works but should be well worth it.

      thanks again for your reply,



        Re: Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

        On Amarok: just use adept package manager to install 'libxine-extracodecs'
        this will provide the mp3 support needed. You should then have no problem, I had the same issue with amaroks auto-downloading of the codec causing it to freeze.


          Re: Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

          Hi marshallbanana

          Thanks for the advice about Amarok, it never occured to me to try adept manager, I only learned about adept last night while trying to install firefox, tried installing it after downloading it to the desktop, I extracted it to my home folder and spent a hour trying to run it, no success, so searched for installing firefox on kunbuntu and found a guide that used adept to download and install.....

          I can hear the giggles from kunbuntu users as I write this lol but this learning curve is turning out to be interesting and good fun, I get rewarded for my struggle when something works. I had problems trying ot get my print server working, I add a printer queue then the IP address and lpt1 then add the driver for a HP920c, at this point I get a message saying the print driver or something does not exsist or I dont have permission, this is odd as when I tried fiesty dawn I had no problems, but I will persist, if no joy I will just move to fiesty, got a free day tomorrow so I can spend some time on this.

          thanks for your help, much appreciated,



            Re: Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

            I hope you'll forgive me for a bit of pedantry Mart, but the distro is called Kubuntu, not KuNbuntu.


              Re: Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

              Hi roseway, it wasnt a typo really, I was hoping I would become so expert at kunbuntu that I would make my own version called KuNbuntu :-P ...yeah like thats going to happen befor I get my pension. Been playing about with pclinuxos today, its got going for it but I had probs with bluetooth and my wireless card, just wanted to see what the thing looked like. In a few minutes I am going back to fiesty dawn.

              I still cant find a suitable NDAS driver for linux that I need for my rapsody box so till I find one I am still stuck with windows for that, not really an issue as I can dual boot now.. yep I actualy had a play with a thing called gparted and I never bust anything :-)


                Re: Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

                Ok, state of play so far, got Fiesty running, installed the nvidia driver after reading up on it in the forum, must be the right one for my 7600GS card as I have the open gl screensavers working, the fireworks one is brilliant.

                Monitors set up perfect though I have changed the fonts. Sound works ok, printer server works and lan works out of the box......... only thing is getting my wireless to use wpa instead of wep, am not sure if I need to start the wpaupdown service for that so will read up on it first.

                My adventure into linux so far has been a positive and enjoyable experiance, the help here is really good and has swung me in favour of sticking with linux over windows,


                  Re: Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

                  Congratulations for getting it all up and running smoothly!

                  For WPA access you might like to try knetworkmanager it's pretty good. If you have a broadcom based wireless card though you are in for a bit more a of a mission (although it's not too bad, honest!) as you will need to get the card running using 'ndiswrapper' first.

                  There's plenty of tutorials out there.

                  Best of luck


                    Re: Kunbuntu is superb but ..!

                    Great to hear you're really working on it. A lot of people just give up. I know, I've nudged more than a few over this way for years and years and only a handful kept going. What you learn in 5 days running Linux you would need a year with Windows to get close.

                    The one thing I love about this project above all others is the information available to new users. You will find just about every how to there is for just about every thing you can come with for this distro .

                    GL and hope you get the WPA working

