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To the administrator

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    To the administrator

    Dear Administrator,

    I just want to let you know (if you don't know already), that this forum is used by spammers to get e-mail addresses. The e-mail starts with :

    "Greetings and How are you today,I am Edwin Kwaussi I am member of I would like you to permit me to apply through this medium for your co-operation and to secure an opportunity to invest and do joint relationship and business with you in your country."

    I assume they want money by some illegal way. If you could make your site more secure, I would appreciate.

    Re: To the administrator

    Your e-mail address is visible even to a non-member of the forum (i saw it as i was reading both the rss feed and the post before logging in); you should hide it by going to Profile > Account Related Settings and checking the hide e-mail box

    edit: i now notice my e-mail address is visible to forum members


      Re: To the administrator

      I've got this spam too...I'm confused about this page


        Re: To the administrator

        Unfortunately, I was unable to find the name Edwin Kwaussi on our membership list, so I couldn't drop him from the membership. I'm glad that everyone seems to realize that this is not happening with the approval or consent of the site. Besides, I thought that Nigerian email scams were so well known nowadays that not even a grade schooler would fall for that one.


          Re: To the administrator

          Ok I think everything should be fixed now. Thanks for letting me know about the issue. I apologize for the slow response, however I am in Africa at the moment and at my current location internet is hard to come by.



            Re: To the administrator

            Originally posted by Open Source
            I am in Africa at the moment ...

            Hmmmmmmmm ... you wouldn't be in NIGERIA, would you, OS?


              Re: To the administrator

              Good one Dibl . Still, to the others, I know this isn't a joke.


                Re: To the administrator

                LOL, no actually I am just on vacation in Kenya. At least now spammers will have to register in order to view email addresses, and they should be hidden by default now. Thanks.



                  Re: To the administrator

                  Thanks for the replies. And of course for the administrator for the fast action even when he is away in the far Kenya. :-) Have a nice vacation.

                  By the way I replied to our guy Edwin (or whatever name he uses) in Hungarian first. He wrote the complete War and peace and asked if I could write in English or French. Then I used low level "dictionary English" and make a dumb ass of myself, and he didn't write since then. I thought this will be a fun for longer. Perhaps I should ask "Where is my money?"

