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Install Dapper updates

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    Install Dapper updates

    Is there a way to point to the repository that contains the dapper pre-release so that I can update my Breezy install as opposed to overwriting it entirely. I realize that it may not be stable but I would like to see what's new without having to reconfigure everything I already have installed in my Breezy distro.


    Brandon Jackson

    Re: Install Dapper updates

    You can edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and replace all instances of breezy with dapper.

    Then simply udpate and upgrade your system as normal, then reboot. As long as you haven't removed the kubuntu-desktop package from your system that should work fine (that packages gets installed by default btw, if you haven't explicitly removed it, it should still be there).

    However, a word of warning is in order: Once you've done that, there's no (easy) way back.


      Re: Install Dapper updates

      Originally posted by incinerator
      However, a word of warning is in order: Once you've done that, there's no (easy) way back.
      Meaning backup your /home directory and anything else you might not want to lose
      <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(

