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how to un embed java applets???

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    how to un embed java applets???

    Hi, I was messing around with Java Web Start 1.4. When i opened this there were four java games to play. I decided to give em a shot...without thinking when it asked if i wanted to embed the java applets into kde i clicked yes...i didn't know what it did.......
    well it turns out that it makes java applets run in about a 1/3 of the games i have installed. Mainly the kde games ...when I try to run a KDE game like Kolf....the game runs and at first it is ok...then the screen gets all messed up and I can start to see more than just Kolf running.....Well, this is pretty annoying for me so i would like to know how to fix it. I'm running most up to date everything i have installed and newest version of Kubuntu ...(think that stuff is required for these technical questions) even though i don't think it would make a difference....
    I would appreciate any positive or negative feedback anyone could give me thanks

    Re: how to un embed java applets

    Just a guess, you could try to uninstall, then install the kde-games package. Better yet, from a konsole try "sudo apt-get remove --purge kde-games". "sudo apt-get install kde-games". My thought is that somehow the java applet is hooked into your games. Perhaps if you remove not only the games, but also their configuration files, and then re-install them, you'll get rid of the hook, but maybe not?

