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Windows Remote Desktop Connection

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    Windows Remote Desktop Connection


    I'd like any info on how I would go about setting up a remote desktop connection on a windows xp box. I've seen a lot of info regarding FreeNX but that is only for windows to linux. I am looking for linux to windows.

    I'm running Kubuntu 7.04

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Re: Windows Remote Desktop Connection

    Have you tried Krdc or VNC? Both work very well to connect to a Windows machine.


      Re: Windows Remote Desktop Connection

      You have many solutions

      Commandline : rdesktop ou vncviewer

      Try grdesktop , very fun because that looks like a lot at Windows Remote Desktop Connection

      or another : and other but i can't remenber


        Re: Windows Remote Desktop Connection

        Install TightVNC on your windows box. It's easy to set up and use. Then just use Krdc in kubuntu to connect.
        ~$sudo make me a sandwich


          Re: Windows Remote Desktop Connection

          I have Vista home premium and cant remote in, I can go out but not in, I think its cuz HoPr doesnt let you, I would need business or Ultimate to remote in [I could do it on my XP Pro machine].

          I tried real VNC and it doesnt appear to work with Vista!
          My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            Re: Windows Remote Desktop Connection

            thank you everyone for all your help. I know I was quite vague too.

            I fixed the problem I had that brought me to here. I was stooped for a bit and I feel stupid for not realizing it right away. I wasn't specifying the screen in the remote desktop field

            Also, sorry for not getting back to the replies in time.

            I've played with all of the Environments and Managers for years and I have to say KDE will always rock as my #1 choice.


              Re: Windows Remote Desktop Connection

              Glad to hear! Yes I agree about the part of KDE!!


                Re: Windows Remote Desktop Connection

                i cant rdc or even share files! please help!
                My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

