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How did Feisty pass beta?

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    How did Feisty pass beta?

    I am not ranting or flaming (well maybe a little bit). But since when does the beta work better thatn the relase?

    samba: a joke (not really, big time BS). Not so in edgy. It works
    Grub/fstab: no comment. uuid
    sound: a broken joke-edgy it works
    k3b: a joke, it kills cd's/dvd's: -edgy it works
    konqueror: a joke - edgy it works.
    wifi: dito above.

    most of the above worked better in the beta than in the release and works in edgy. I know new distro, different rules :P
    Well I am sorry, samba has been around for a while. so has k3b, konqueror, etc. Yes different kernal. Great. During the updates/-grades from herd 4 to beta to release the kernal updates twice 7 once a week caused more havok than anything.
    So, the question remains; how did this pass beta, and ultimately become worse than the beta?

    Many people here on this forum have helped me and thus I have been able to help others and have learned many usefull things that I give to others and that will continue
    But these last few weeks have been unnerving.

    Going back to edgy or pclinuxos2007. (which are still on my machine).

    Yeah, I guess this was a frustration rant, in a way.

    I will still try to help, when possible, because I do beleave in this distro.
    But I am not a hacker.
    I am user that also has to get back to work and be productive so that I have something to eat.

    Cheers to all and those of you who are zeaolots, refrain.
    This is still a great distro and I am not giving up.
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10

    Re: How did Feisty pass beta?

    I have to agree! Feisty is still buggy. Knetwork manager is not as functional as it was in dapper or edgy. I Just had to reboot my machine in order to get a internet connection. Had to do the same yesterday. High winds are reeking havoc in NM and causing a lot of problems. I rebooted the actiontec dsl modem. All lights turned green and knetworkmanager established a connection but web browsers would not load pages. So rebooted the machine and everything is fine. I never had to do this in dapper or edgy.

    It is pretty hard to support ubuntu/kubuntu and come home to this kind of difficulty. One of the reasons for using linux is stability! Having to reboot is not my idea of stability. I hope the next upgrade fixes the network management quirks.
    I tried Enlightenment once, it was pretty cool.


      Re: How did Feisty pass beta?

      i did 'cause it's a 6 month release cycle... :P
      gnu/linux is not windoze


        Re: How did Feisty pass beta?

        I had a quite good experience with Feisty. And I have installed it in a couple of computers. I even had upgraded a web server to it . Except that funny samba thing, of course.

        But when I upgrade my desktop to Edgy ,I feel like Dapper was quite better.

        There is just one lesson to learn from this. Don't bee to hasty to upgrade, and be ready to go back . And, of course, when you see a kernel or xorg update wait for a couple of days ;P.

        There is a fact of live in computers, while new versions could be great for person X, it's probably a step back to person Y.


