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Using Kubuntu "thin client" from windows - desktop environment config question

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    Using Kubuntu "thin client" from windows - desktop environment config question

    I am posting this wile sitting comfortably in my living room sofa, with my windows laptop on my laptop and keeping half eye watching news on the telly (laptio is not mine, technically - it is the one they gave me at work. Personally I would have preferred kubuntu on it, of course)

    In order to this, I have installed Xming X server and PuTTy ssh client on my windows laptop. I log in to my linux server through puTTy with an ssh -X type of command (it uses a graphical interface to define the sessions, but it is obvious that I do a ssh -X). I then start up Xming on the windows laptop, and now from the puTTy client I can fire up Kubuntu KDE applications from the command line interface. I start a konsole first and then I use that to start other applications such as konqueror which I am posting from.

    What I was wondering: is there a way I can make my windows desktop look more kubuntish - starting up the programs from a command line in konsole is ok, but I woul prefer to have my KDE Panels, the K menu, clock and system tray available - can this be started from the command line or through a script somehow?