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Why Samba and Windows Vista don't mix

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    Why Samba and Windows Vista don't mix

    The article above, found by Googleing today, explains why Samba doesn't (currently) work with Windows Vista. While I've been able to use Samba to establish a shared directory on my Linux PC, which can be mapped from Windows Vista, the reverse isn't possible. Go figure. Hopefully, the Samba team will develop and put out a release that will.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

    Re: Why Samba and Windows Vista don't mix

    Sad thing that we most coexist with Micro$oft

    Beware the Almighty Command Line


      Re: Why Samba and Windows Vista don't mix

      Excuse my language... F*** M$ Windows, We don't need it. Get off the tit finally. Go fully Linux. If you want to play games buy a playstation, other wise do everything ELSE you can do with windows in Ubuntu or Kubuntu.

      I'm off the tit, are you?


        Re: Why Samba and Windows Vista don't mix

        Dude, watch the language; kids surf this thing too.
        Asus G1S-X3:
        Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


          Re: Why Samba and Windows Vista don't mix

          I didn't actually write a curse word. Perhaps "tit" could be considered a curse word in some circles, exspecially circles where such appendages are utilized... namely Windows Vista users.

          Let me ask you a question. Do you want to use an operating system that every time you open a new program asks you to determine if that program is safe? How do you know? If so, go with window$ vista.

          Right now we are in a golden age of Linux. We are well below the radar. Right now we can surf freely, get email, download programs. Windows vista is and the lesser versions of that os are FULLY crippled. SPAM, SPYWARE, VIRUSES, WORMS, WEB BUGS, a whole host of nasty things are on Window$ Computers. Why would you want to MATE (over a network) with that crap. Get your whole family off of the nasty crack. Get your parents on Linux, your sister, your brother, your wife, your children, YOUR BOSS and SURF FREE. Now is the time.

          Eventually Linux will become a target, but by that time we will have learned so much from Window$ programing bluders, our OS will do EXACTLY WHAT AN OS SHOULD DO.... allow for FREE and EASY computing AND have all of the perks of a LEGENDARY secure system.

          GET OFF THE CRACK. We can do everything Window$ can, everyday the barriers are broken down. Support true democracy, world wide community driven OS. I really don't care if you go with ubuntu or kbuntu or debian or whatever... GET OFF THE CRACK AND STOP SELLING IT.


            Re: Why Samba and Windows Vista don't mix

            I completely agree with you; I'm anti-Microsoft and have been Window$ free on my home pc for a little while now, there are just better ways to express your feelings than with borderline curse words. Judging by your previous posts, you'll probably think I'm full of nonsense, but just try to keep it clean. That's all I'm asking
            Asus G1S-X3:
            Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


              Re: Why Samba and Windows Vista don't mix

              Originally posted by mister_lister

              Right now we are in a golden age of Linux.
              I hope that is true -- that is my motivation to try to help other "early adopters" of Linux. Clearly, if Linux users could approach the market base of Mac users, the attention of hardware developers would begin to shift a little bit -- the Linux drivers would start to come. With decent drivers, life with Linux would get better fast, and your buddies at Microsoft would have to get serious about competing. That would be good for everyone -- Linux and Windows user alike.

              That's my two cents' worth on it .... 8)


                Re: Why Samba and Windows Vista don't mix

                I'm off the CRACK!!!! lol and have been spreading th good word around. just last week I convinced a co-worker (high school student) that Linux was the way to go. she had an old laptop (p233mmx 128mb ram 2gb hd) where windows had fallen apart (corrupt drivers and all that c***). I put Debian on it with Xfce , Abiword for her homework. she took it home and a couple of hours later call to thank me and tell me that windows was never that fast on the little laptop.. I told here to than Linus Torvalds, and the countless others that has made this all possible.

                It is a sad shame that M$ and window users are so dumb. Vista is over priced, underpowered ,buggy, vulnerable and now incompatible. WOW the only thing it has going for it is Solitaire, lol..and we can do that too.

                what is M$ thinking not to allow Linux and Unix to share files, to think that many larger companies use one or the other as file severs. why would that shell out the money to upgrade something that is not broken, just to use the latest M$ OS. if I had company of any size , to spend the money on that type of upgrade would really be a big mark against buying such software. And I would look for another solution.

                I hope that the people behind SAMBA, gets it figured out. Good luck guys!


                  Re: Why Samba and Windows Vista don't mix

                  Not all Windows users are dumb...

