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Dell servey on preinstalled Linux

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    Dell servey on preinstalled Linux

    At present Dell has a poll for what you want for pre-installed Linux, if they were to do it! I propose that as many of us Kubuntu people do this survey to push the Linux cause. I myself have gone 1 further & selected other for linux distro & selected Kubuntu as my preferred Linux distribution. I believe with this sort of exposure it could be very good for us as a collective group.

    The url

    Cheers Cary
    The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7859, registered Linux user 470405 Lenovo T510 Kubuntu Trusty 64bit, Intel Core i5-560M, 8 GB PC3-DDR3 SDRAM - 1067 MHz, NVIDIA NVS 3100m PCI Express, Wireless Centrino N 6300 My website

    Re: Dell servey on preinstalled Linux

    I put Ubuntu as the distro they should go for. If people want to use the less popular less supported flavour, then it's not to hard for them to do it themselves.


      Re: Dell servey on preinstalled Linux

      I went to their DellIdeaStorm site and posted that I thought Kubuntu would be the best option and here's why.

      Many, perhaps half or more of the consumers buying new Dell PC's with pre-installed Linux will be disgruntled Windows users who have finally gotten angry enough with M$, that switching becomes a real option. While Gnome is a very fine desktop, it's just "Not like my Windows machine". Really! KDE is also not like their Windows machine, but it is significantly closer to what they know and have been using. These people will need lots of hand-holding and an environment that has some familiarity. If they have to go looking in odd places for things, they will soon become discouraged enough to go back to Windows.

      You could say "good riddance," but if they go back to Windows with a sour taste in their mouths from the Linux experience, guess who they tell first. All their friends who have not yet tried Linux. So you wind up losing even more potential users.

      I would even suggest a commercial distro like Linspire before suggesting Ubuntu or Fedora core, just because the default desktop would be more off-putting.



        Re: Dell servey on preinstalled Linux

        Originally posted by caryb
        At present Dell has a poll for what you want for pre-installed Linux,
        I have no doubt it has to be a commercial distro like Xandros (cheap) or Linspire (cool).

        This will give some support, typical 30 days and automatic updates. The new users should'nt have to tinker around the first couple of years. It has to be a holistic experience.


          Re: Dell servey on preinstalled Linux

          I put other in the distro tick box, and then wrote kunbuntu(ubuntu with bells) in the slot where one explains.

          Working in a repair shop, I am seeing first hand just how unready vista is, and at the same time the latest MS update is causing some video cards to crash but the patch works only with WGA approved models, need I explain more since MS puts it as one in five computers running pirated versions of XP pro, I think Dell would be silly to miss this chance since once these users have been forced onto linux though both the price and the problems of vista, they will become used to linux as I have done only to stay on linux, but, and this I feel is important, the install disk should include mp3 and flv. streams compatibility and not this rewording cut/paste thingy which has to be done, rule of thumb "if you feel GB can install it, it is ready for the market"
          every day is a gift

