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Problems trying to install IDL 6.3

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    Problems trying to install IDL 6.3

    Hi, I'm encountering difficulties trying to install IDL 6.3 on Kubuntu edgy.

    IDL is a commercial visualization software somewhat popular in the scientific community.

    The CD comes with a script which launches a graphical installer. The script requires root privileges.
    Either if I run the script (with '/bin/sh') "sudo-ing" it from a shell or directly from a root shell the scripts fails complaining that the DISPLAY variable is not set (for root, obviously).

    Then I set and exported the DISPLAY with
    export DISPLAY=":0.0"
    and tried again, but exits again, this time with the following error:
    exec: 302: ./xinstall.linux.x86: Permission denied

    In another distribution (SUSe 10.1) I succeded in launching the script. It is sufficient to su from any shell and run it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated: I cannot do without this program because of constraints I have at work.

    Alberto Vecchiato

    PS: I also tried another way, that is giving the command
    kdesu /media/cdrom1/
    but this fails too. First the following is printed on the terminal window:
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
    Major opcode: 145
    Minor opcode: 3
    Resource id: 0x0
    Failed to open device
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
    Major opcode: 145
    Minor opcode: 3
    Resource id: 0x0
    then a dialog window opens asking for a password, and finally, after the password insertion, the shell prints these on the terminal window and exits.
    Failed to open device
    /media/cdrom1/ Permission denied

    Re: Problems trying to install IDL 6.3

    Originally posted by avecchiato
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
    Major opcode: 145
    Minor opcode: 3
    Resource id: 0x0
    Failed to open device
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
    Major opcode: 145
    Minor opcode: 3
    Resource id: 0x0
    Those errors are minor and caused by your xorg.conf file having entries for Wacom tablets, which you don't have. It's not a major thing but if you really want to sort it then #comment out those sections in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

    As for your other problem: use 'kdesu' rather than 'sudo'. Sudo doesn't work well with GUI apps, kdesu is designed to. So use 'kdesu ./'.


      Re: Problems trying to install IDL 6.3

      Thank you, but kdseu fails as well.
      It returns the following message:
      Failed to open device
      /media/cdrom1/ Permission denied



        Re: Problems trying to install IDL 6.3

        Hmm... try first making sure the file is executable (by doing 'chmod a+x /path/to/file') and, if that doesn't work, copying the installer file to (say) your home directory and running it from there.

