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I have been messing were I shouldn't have been messing : chmod

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    I have been messing were I shouldn't have been messing : chmod


    I have been using ubuntu first and then kubuntu for my server. Recently, I have added some hardware and I changed some hardrives positions but i couldn't start kubuntu anymore (grub error 17 etc...) I thought I wold do a new fresh installation of kubuntu and that's what I did.
    All went fine, until I tried to share my windows hard drive, other computers on my network were not able to see the server anymore... so what did I do, I type in the command :

    adrien@kubuntu$ sudo chmod -R 777 \

    or something like that, I wanted to change the permission (I should have changed them for the \media folder, where my windows drives are mounted...but you know, sometimes you just don't think enough...
    now I cannot run sudo anymore...and all my system is messed up, though it can start...

    is there a way to change to default permissions ?

    thanks in advance!


    Re: I have been messing were I shouldn't have been messing : chmod

    Originally posted by adrien
    adrien@kubuntu$ sudo chmod -R 777 \
    Ooops ... if you were able to log in to the console, preferably as root (maybe in "recovery mode" - never tried that one myself, however), I'd suggest to give

    ROOT # chown adrien:adrien /home
    a try ... otherwise, you may try to boot a live system in order to access the installed system and reset the latter one's home directory by

    ROOT # chown 1000:1000 [somewhere]/home
    I suppose you get the point I'm driving at


      Re: I have been messing were I shouldn't have been messing : chmod

      hello unicorn,

      i can logon as root, no problem here
      I don't know if what you have proposed would work because there are some ownership that have been changed already in the root directory, and that's why sudo wasn't happy and there were some root issues (sudo must be run as root etc...) with sudo... but thank you for proposing...
      I wish I saw your answer before I reinstalled the complete system :P anyway it was just a few minutes

      thanx anyway!


        Re: I have been messing were I shouldn't have been messing : chmod

        btw is there a way to mark this topic as "solved" ?

