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Neon Upgrade Blues

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    Neon Upgrade Blues

    According to the Upgrade Warning that has popped up on my screen after start up for the last couple weeks, KDE Neon 18 will no longer receive updates. Right now I have only one more day to upgrade. So, I backed everything up and clicked on the upgrade notifier. It brought up an upgrade application which trundled away until stopping and giving me an error message:

    Can not upgrade
    Your python3 install is corrupted.
    Please fix the '/usr/bin/python3' symlink.
    After researching this error I found what looked like the correct answer and changed the symlink from /etc/accesories (If I remember right) to /usr/bin/python3.7. I restarted and ... the upgrade notifier no longer appears in the system tray! I have no idea what the notifier filename is nor its location.

    Then, I tried pkcon update and it finished OK.
    And then ran pkcon upgrade-system. Error message:

    $ sudo pkcon upgrade-system
    Getting system upgrades [ ] (0%)
    (pkcon:6274): GLib-CRITICAL **: 18:37:05.696: g_variant_new_string: assertion 'strin
    g != NULL' failed
    Finished [=========================]
    Getting system upgrades [ ] (0%)
    (pkcon:6274): GLib-CRITICAL **: 18:37:05.703: g_variant_new_string: assertion 'strin
    g != NULL' failed
    Finished [=========================]
    Fatal error: UpgradeSystem not supported by backend
    I feel like kicking some backend!

    Now, I'm stuck! I hate it when this happens...

    Your (ya'all) indulgence is gratefully requested.

    "A man has to know his limitations." Harry Callihan (Dirty Harry)
    DIY ASRock AB350, AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 16 GB RAM, nvidia GT-710, kubuntu 20.04

    Have you tried the normal upgrade way? sudo do-release-upgrade?

    Please Read Me


      I'll second oshunluvr here.

      The upgrade tool is Ubuntu's here, and packagekit ( pkcon ) doesn't hook into this.

      Sent from my LG V60 using Tapatalk as if this actually matters p:


        OK. I can't seem to remember the appropriate commands. Here goes...

        $ sudo do-release-upgrade
        [sudo] password for buddy:
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/usr/bin/do-release-upgrade", line 11, in <module>
        from UpdateManager.Core.MetaRelease import MetaReleaseCore
        File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/UpdateManager/Core/", line 25,
        in <module>
        import apt
        File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/", line 23, in <module>
        import apt_pkg
        ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'apt_pkg'
        "A man has to know his limitations." Harry Callihan (Dirty Harry)
        DIY ASRock AB350, AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 16 GB RAM, nvidia GT-710, kubuntu 20.04


          After researching this error I found what looked like the correct answer and changed the symlink from /etc/accesories (If I remember right) to /usr/bin/python3.7. I restarted and ... the upgrade notifier no longer appears in the system tray! I have no idea what the notifier filename is nor its location.

          What exactly did you do, specifically, to 'fix' python. precisely?
          Do you have a link to the directions you followed?


            Hi claydoh,

            Last year I got some python scripts from a friend which required an update to the latest python3.7. The scripts worked fine until python was updated - and I found I was not up to the task of fixing them. I had no other problems with python until I went to upgrade Neon. Researching, I found an article on StackExchange which seemed to describe my problem.


            My python3 symlink pointed to /etc/alternatives rather than /usr/bin/python3.7 So, I deleted the symlink and created a new one. Now it appears I have shot myself in the other foot!

            "A man has to know his limitations." Harry Callihan (Dirty Harry)
            DIY ASRock AB350, AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 16 GB RAM, nvidia GT-710, kubuntu 20.04


              I found an article that gives an alternative way to upgrade Neon from the terminal. I'm wondering if this is something I should try.

              Change repositories:

              sudo sed -i 's/bionic/focal/g' /etc/apt/sources.list

              sudo sed -i 's/bionic/focal/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neon.list

              sudo apt update

              sudo apt upgrade -y

              sudo apt dist-upgrade --allow-downgrades

              sudo apt autoremove
              Then, reboot.

              Does this sound legit. (Yes, I am tentative.)

              "A man has to know his limitations." Harry Callihan (Dirty Harry)
              DIY ASRock AB350, AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 16 GB RAM, nvidia GT-710, kubuntu 20.04


                I'm going to say a hard no.

                As the process is identical to Kubuntu and Ubuntu there is more going on than just editing reps.

                I have no real idea how to correctly 'reset' python in 18.04

                However this may be correct

                  sudo update-alternatives --remove-all python
                sudo update-alternatives --remove-all python3
                sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3
                Python 3.6 being the standard python3 for 18.04. I think.

                Sent from my LG V60 using Tapatalk as if this actually matters p:


                  Wouldn't it be a WHOLE lot easier just to burn the new Neon to a USB stick and do a fresh install from it, then restore your data from backups? A clean install would take 15 to 30 minutes. Restoring your data depends on how much and what kind it is. Putting up your curtains, carpets, and other eye candy will take one or two hours at the most. Compare that with spending two or three days trying all sorts of Linux kung fu that, in the end, doesn't work. With a fresh install you know everything is pristine.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.



                    Your code worked. My symlink should have pointed at python3.6.

                    Once that was taken care of, sudo do-release-upgrade started its lengthy journey. Trouble is, I am the curious type, and when the script stopped, asking me if I wanted to examine the system codecs, instead of pressing the (N) default option I pressed (Y)es. Sure, I'll stop and take a look. Big mistake. I never could get the script to continue after that. Poop. I was then dead in the water.

                    <sigh> Time to start over. I had downloaded the latest kubuntu which I burned to a DVD. I tried installing kubuntu three times - and each time the installer stopped, stating it had crashed. Rather than stop on the third time I continued on since kubuntu appeared to be working. I was able to download the system updates and reboot. Then, the system said it had more updates which I installed and rebooted again. Kubuntu came back with the sign-on message and never got any further.

                    <sigh> Downloaded the latest KDE Neon and it installed just fine. I am now doing recovery of all my files.

                    Thanks, guys, for your help. I even tried to switch to kubuntu but it just wasn't to be.

                    "A man has to know his limitations." Harry Callihan (Dirty Harry)
                    DIY ASRock AB350, AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 16 GB RAM, nvidia GT-710, kubuntu 20.04


                      Sorry to hear this.

                      Perhaps if you posted a screenshot or terminal output Id have seen what to do to proceed

                      Though I would not seen it till now as I'm just getting over a possibly massive fever.

                      Sent from my LG V60 using Tapatalk as if this actually matters p:


                        @GG as it turns out starting over was necessary - and not so bad after all. I changed to Linux Mint five years ago and tried to do video editing. The version of Kdenlive that was in their repos was four years old! And it would crash when simply adding a file. I found some simpler editors to use and then three years ago decided I wanted a distro that updated more frequently. That's when I discovered KDE Neon. Meanwhile, appimages started coming out - and I really like them. Now, it doesn't really matter which distro we use - as long as we have enough disk space to handle the appimages. I found I really didn't need the cutting edge distro Neon and decided to change to kubuntu. I find it really odd that the installer crashed every time.

                        I guess it didn't like the existing formatting.

                        @claydoh it's kind of hard to get help when your system is toast! I do appreciate your willingness to help this old duffer. There was a time when my PC skills were cutting edge but no longer.

                        Re: massive fever: This is a day and age when we cannot afford to get sick! Prevention is a must. When I was a kid I had colds perhaps ten times year. I found out I had a weakness for respiratory illnesses. This current bug is an engineered item based upon one of the four common corona viruses most of us already have known by our immune system. It is said (I am not a doctor) that most people are deficient in vitamin D, C and Zinc because we don't get enough in food these days. It is said (from a source I could pass along) that no one who has enough vitamin D, C and Zinc in their system will succumb to the corona bugs. Despite this claim I find I have to do even more to stay well. I will share more only if you are interested - perhaps in a PM since this is obviously off topic. I wish you well!

                        "A man has to know his limitations." Harry Callihan (Dirty Harry)
                        DIY ASRock AB350, AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 16 GB RAM, nvidia GT-710, kubuntu 20.04


                          Thread hijacking split off and moved here

