Just updated neon User. Kernel is now 5.4.0-42 (from 5.3.0-62).
Plasma stayed the same (5.19.3, Qt 5.14.2, FW 5.72.0).
Nvidia driver went gaga. Only possible resolution accepted in System Settings was 1024 x 768.
I noticed I now have a Driver Manager there. Changed the nvidia driver to a higher one (which I didn't know I had). It took about 20 minutes to do so, but after rebooting I got my normal resolution back (1920 x 1080).
Plasma stayed the same (5.19.3, Qt 5.14.2, FW 5.72.0).
Nvidia driver went gaga. Only possible resolution accepted in System Settings was 1024 x 768.
I noticed I now have a Driver Manager there. Changed the nvidia driver to a higher one (which I didn't know I had). It took about 20 minutes to do so, but after rebooting I got my normal resolution back (1920 x 1080).