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getting java .jar program to run, even in terminal in Neon

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    getting java .jar program to run, even in terminal in Neon

    I am trying to run a free, graphically pleasing analysis tool called VOSviewer as a JRE. (Info on it is at
    It never gets going on my laptop, and I am not sure what to tweak to get it to work.
    It is working great on my desktop.
    Both are running KDE Neon, based on Ubuntu 18.04.
    I have both Oracle java 12.0.2 and openjdk 11 runtime with Oracle 12 as the default.
    I see the logo of each a short while when I try to start VOSviewer.jar but java silently fails.
    I checked and see I have default-jre installed.

    I looked into /etc/ for their components and found nothing obvious.
    I tried to get a verbose account by using the command line to get java starting up in the terminal, but I am not expert enough to force it to access and run the .jar in the same directory.

    Here's a recent attempt:
    jim@tabby6:~/Downloads/VOSviewer$ java -jar VOSviewer.jar
    Error: Unable to access jarfile VOSviewer.jar
    jim@tabby6:~/Downloads/VOSviewer$ ls
    data HISTORY.txt LICENSE.txt Manual_VOSviewer_1.6.11.pdf VOSviewer.jar

    I would appreciate your suggestions and alternatives.
    Neon 18.04.1 User on desktop and on Asus Transformer 3 Pro laptop

    Long shot, but, maybe a simple permissions issue?
    instead of ls, try ll.
    Last edited by Don B. Cilly; Aug 03, 2019, 11:42 PM.


      Thank you, Don B. Cilly,
      On the desktop advanced permissions are r-x for owner, group, others.
      On the laptop for VOSviewer.jar advanced permissions I changed them to match by adding read for owner and it now works. Amazing, if that is what did the trick.
      Thanks for the suggestion. I am in business.

      Now how do I change the control buttons readability for a high DPI screen... for both VOSviewer and Pajek which is running under wine, so one a .jar and the other Windows and apparently not under control of Plasma's System Settings? I guess that will be a Plasma question.
      Neon 18.04.1 User on desktop and on Asus Transformer 3 Pro laptop


        Well, if you had to change them to read for owner... I mean, if the owner didn't have read permission, it would give "Unable to access jarfile", right?

        So I guess that is what did the trick.


          I set to rwx for all and I can start VOSviewer in the terminal.

          But the workaround for HiDPI screens is not working.
          java -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2 -jar VOSviewer.jar
          starts the program but the buttons, etc. are not really readable.
          Neon 18.04.1 User on desktop and on Asus Transformer 3 Pro laptop


            I set to rwx for all and I can start VOSviewer in the terminal.

            But the workaround for HiDPI screens is not working.
            java -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2 -jar VOSviewer.jar
            starts the program but the buttons, etc. are not really readable.
            Neon 18.04.1 User on desktop and on Asus Transformer 3 Pro laptop


              I heard back from a co-developer of VOSviewer that they hope to have a fix before the end of the year.

              I will live with it since I can figure out the buttons on the desktop and enjoy the high resolution of the laptop...
              Neon 18.04.1 User on desktop and on Asus Transformer 3 Pro laptop

