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New MS OS - Neon Plasma Media Center ready but will miss the bet

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    New MS OS - Neon Plasma Media Center ready but will miss the bet

    Well, this is many times does this have to happen, it is Groundhog day film over and over... and nobody learns.


    and was ignored... well, Microshaft is doing it NOW... sigh...

    wELLL all one has to do is read between the lines and Microshaft is now DOING it... and even the talking heads don't know what is going one...they blather and blather and actually write the correct words and then completely miss what they wrote and wander off into the forest...

    MS, apparently, has a new Lite and rearing to roar OS "under development" ... that people can't get at yet... but there is all sorts of speculation about how it has "streamlined" the User Interface and has "controls" that are more easy to use.

    I have ALREADY seen what they are vaguely blabbing on about with MS 10 at the college and an external projector to show presentations to the class.

    About half of the time Win 10 does not put the computer screen up to the projector and the projector is showing something like the splash page of the college on the net.

    THIS IS A NEW SITUATION, IT IS A NEW SITUATION... "windows" ALWAYS...automagically "found" the projector and everything just worked...but with an update about a month agol... the OS started "losing" the projector...

    As far as I know most of the instructors have just thrown up their hands and start and restart and start and restart Windows until it finds the projector or just start blathering about the topic of the day. BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT TO EXPOSE THEIR IGNORANCE...or "offend" the IT people... sigh...

    the first time it happened to me...I did what I AM SUPPOSED TO DO...I called IT...

    and the guy had a big laugh and said something like "We KNEW you would be the first to complain about this "


    THOUSANDS OF THEM, THOUSANDS... The "educationists" are having orgasms about "technology" and throwing away SEATED education to "be congruent" with the online students...

    ... one has to do a weird Windows Key plus P to get a weird BLACK panel to appear on the right hand side of the screen which displays several "options" which are TOTALLY STUPIDLY NAMED the words have absolutely no meaning concerning the situation, and one picks the second one and the OS is then directed to the projector... ok...

    But... MS is already fiddling with testing this on the useful idiots...because this OS is not about anything that the talking heads are blathering about... except this one...and even though it is STATED in the first paragraph the writer goes blathering on as if this is about the "computer screen"...

    Since the release of Windows 10 in 2015, Microsoft has made it clear that it wants to move away from its past style of operating system releases and towards a new, more singular and unified approach. It’s already brought together its desktop Windows 10 OS with Windows 10 Mobile, and Xbox Live infrastructure — and Polaris could be the next step in that trend.

    They missed the point... and the point is "Xbox Live"... hooked to a WIDE SCREEN TV


    it has "streamlined" the User Interface and has "controls" that are more easy to use.
    WHERE do 90 percent of the game people plug their beloved Xbox into...? The LARGE SCREEN T.V. !!!!! DUUUUUHHHHHHHH

    The Xbox has already taken on a lot of "a computer's functions" of the "new" things about this "new OS" is that the MS fonts and symbols and icons have SUDDENLY CHANGED... to reflect this new "CROSS PLATFORM paradigm".

    So what does that have to do with Neon and Plasma Media center?

    Welll again, going back many years the Plasma shell developers were working "the new buzz word"...the "new form factor"...the tablet...except for one lonely mention in the KDE site about the plasma shell that it could be used "at a party"...and then it was droipped because of the concentration about getting things onto an ARM device and ...

    the REALLY BIG ELEPHANT that nobody talks about with plasma is...that it WORKS ON A COMPUTER was basically ignored...the effort was put into ARM...


    IT IS WOODSMOKE's opinion...again..that...

    .MS is going after THE WIDE SCREEN TV...and they are going to use XBOX to get at... and for the really "high end people"...a TOUCH SCREEN WIDE SCREEN TV...that will be MOSTLY operated with the keyboard on the Xbox console...

    Even though "Castle" used a wide screen touch screen t.v with a computer ( it is behind him hidden in the wall:

    it really is kind of unhandy unless one is always walking around anyway...

    Wellll again...NEON and Plasma Media Center ARE ALREADY THERE... I KNOW because I have been using it for TWO YEARS NOW...

    Canonical has already "scr#$# up on this and they REALLY scc#ED up by instulting KDE developers who formed Neon...because Neon is READY AND IT IS READY NOW...

    But, because Canonical is Eurocentric and dismisses the U.S. because VERY FEW PEOPLE in Linux "understand capitalism"... the opportunity is going to be squandered...

    SOMEBODY...should rent space at the next EXPO and put up a large screen T.V. with Neon and PMC and maybe a tweaked GUI like my Kparadigm shift and be standing in the middle of the walkspace with either a gyration airmouse or a "wand" controlling PMC and switching to an activity with a game and playing the game NOW...

    and let people actually SEE what can be done with a free and open source system that will provide WHAT THEY WANT NOW... and HOPEFULLY...maybe also spend a thousand more dollars and have the "wide screen t.v". be a TOUCH SCREEN ALSO...

    The OS is ready to go NOW...

    but no... nobody understands the U.S. yeeecchhhhh capitalist system...

    all that is needed is a nice laptop and a nice tower and a nice screen and a nice gyration air mouse and a nice wand and the "EXPO" people would be STUNNED... because KDE / PMC / "games" on STEAM or just plain Linux games... / is READY TO GO NOW...


    wood.. smoke
    Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 15, 2019, 10:33 PM.

    Again, you are a Chihuahua whizzing on a small tree in the forest that no one sees.


      yep, I completely agree!

      But, as a side note a MS surrogate just posted elsewhere that he had "somehow" been able to install Windblows 10 on a Raspberry Pi... hmmmm

      that "form factor" will sit nicely out of sight next to a large screen t.v. and with the correct ports will support a wireless mouse, a wireless keyboard and a wand...

      And internet television a' la Microshaft is a done deal...along with MS outlook on the web, news feeds, and GAMES GAMES GAMES... and movies, movies, movies...but it will actually not go through a Raspberry Pi it will be a NEWLY reconfigured Xbox.

      I'lll bet that they will just reconfigure the ones people already have and offer to sell new ones of course...

      And MS will own the television...


      woodatleastdoesn'twhizatcactussessmoke lol

