My current hi-fi amplifier has too many problems and needs replacing. Up till now, I have just put a doubler in the audio output jack and run half to my small desktop speakers (Edifier R1700BT) and the other half to my amp. The sound could probably be better, but it suffices for my octogenarian ears.
Since I'm changing, tho, why not do better if can (for a reasonable price)? I found a good discussion of the issue here. But for one thing, I don't know if Kubuntu supports DAC, or if that's worth the trouble.
Anybody else have experience with this?
Since I'm changing, tho, why not do better if can (for a reasonable price)? I found a good discussion of the issue here. But for one thing, I don't know if Kubuntu supports DAC, or if that's worth the trouble.
Anybody else have experience with this?