tons of messages like the following
These block of WARNING () messages are being logged every time I open an app on the desktop. I have not used "Activities".
Also, I began getting the log file filled with thousands of Baloo indexing msgs that indexes were being ignored because the db was full. It was at 1.7Gb. I disabled Baloo because I prefer "locate" and "updatedb", which is a lot faster.
5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager Creating the cache for: "applications: org.kde.ksystemlog.desktop" 5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager Already in database? true 5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager First update : QDateTime(2018-05-16 12:19:29.000 CDT Qt::TimeSpec(LocalTime)) 5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager Last update : QDateTime(2018-05-16 15:56:31.000 CDT Qt::TimeSpec(LocalTime)) 5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager After the adjustment 5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager Current score : 6 5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager First update : QDateTime(2018-05-16 12:19:29.000 CDT Qt::TimeSpec(LocalTime)) 5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager Last update : QDateTime(2018-05-16 15:56:31.000 CDT Qt::TimeSpec(LocalTime)) 5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager Interval length is 0 5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager New score : 7 5/16/18 4:08 PM org.kde.ActivityManager ResourceScoreUpdated: "626abb88-c51a-4c79-a3db-cfbc653ea520" "org.kde.plasma.kicker" "applications: org.kde.ksystemlog.desktop"
Also, I began getting the log file filled with thousands of Baloo indexing msgs that indexes were being ignored because the db was full. It was at 1.7Gb. I disabled Baloo because I prefer "locate" and "updatedb", which is a lot faster.