Reported it as a bug this morning.
Where ever the mouse is a block, about twice as wide and tall as the mouse and centered on it, appears. It blocks the content under the mouse. The mouse icon often disappears. The block is from a nearby part of the screen. This occurs on the desktop or any application. A snapshot of the mouse artifact is below:

I will wait for a few days to see if an update fixes it. If not I will be rolling back to my last snapshot.
Where ever the mouse is a block, about twice as wide and tall as the mouse and centered on it, appears. It blocks the content under the mouse. The mouse icon often disappears. The block is from a nearby part of the screen. This occurs on the desktop or any application. A snapshot of the mouse artifact is below:
I will wait for a few days to see if an update fixes it. If not I will be rolling back to my last snapshot.