While I'm at Service menus :·)
and since this one doesn't need pkexec ;·)
I made one that generates the SHA256 checksum of an ISO.
Why? Not because it's difficult to type sha256sum, but the name of the ISO that comes after that can be... annoying to type.
With this, you just right-click on it, and it adds the SHA to a local text file, like:
84754b7f83ce240c63a83cc53fef9f359f8d671d48ad0cfc81 a4bf7018517414 /this/here/dir/obNoxiouslyNamed.iso
and since this one doesn't need pkexec ;·)
I made one that generates the SHA256 checksum of an ISO.
Why? Not because it's difficult to type sha256sum, but the name of the ISO that comes after that can be... annoying to type.
With this, you just right-click on it, and it adds the SHA to a local text file, like:
84754b7f83ce240c63a83cc53fef9f359f8d671d48ad0cfc81 a4bf7018517414 /this/here/dir/obNoxiouslyNamed.iso
[Desktop Entry] Type=Service X-KDE-ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin MimeType=application/x-cd-image;model/x.stl-binary Actions=chkiso; Encoding=UTF-8 Icon=application-x-cd-image [Desktop Action chkiso] Name=Check ISO Icon=edit-select-original Exec=sha256sum %f >>SHA256sum.txt; kdialog --title="Check ISO" --passivepopup="SHA for $(basename %f) generated";fi