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Change system default X11 cursor theme.

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    Change system default X11 cursor theme.

    This is posted under the Experimentation/Customization/Optimization (> Topic: Rules for posting in this forum).

    An ordinary user can add and change the mouse cursor themes: System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse > Mouse > Cursor Theme

    [img width=400 height=321][/img]

    The KDE may or may not use them:
    > Bug #305201: KDE 4 Mouse Theme is reset to Oxygen on reboot
    > Bug #288502: KDE 4 doesn't respect X11 cursor themes

    The system is using alternatives /1/ to set the mouse theme before you log in.

    man update-alternatives
    update-alternatives - maintain symbolic links determining default commands

    update-alternatives [options] command


    update-alternatives creates, removes, maintains and displays information about the symbolic links comprising the Debian alternatives system.

    It is possible for several programs fulfilling the same or similar functions to be installed on a single system at the same time...
    With KDE gui:

    Package: kalternatives
    graphical alternatives system configuration tool
    System Settings > Advanced > Alternatives Configuration

    Change system default mouse theme

    sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme
    There are 7 choices for the alternative x-cursor-theme (providing /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme).

    Selection Path Priority Status
    * 0 /etc/X11/cursors/oxy-white.theme 50 auto mode
    1 /etc/X11/cursors/Bluecurve.theme 20 manual mode
    2 /etc/X11/cursors/Kubuntaero_v1.0.theme 20 manual mode
    3 /etc/X11/cursors/core.theme 30 manual mode
    4 /etc/X11/cursors/handhelds.theme 20 manual mode
    5 /etc/X11/cursors/oxy-white.theme 50 manual mode
    6 /etc/X11/cursors/redglass.theme 20 manual mode
    7 /etc/X11/cursors/whiteglass.theme 20 manual mode

    Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 2
    update-alternatives: using /etc/X11/cursors/Kubuntaero_v1.0.theme to provide /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme (x-cursor-theme) in manual mode.

    Add a new system mouse theme

    0) Download a new mouse theme and unpack it
    1) Add a theme file to the /etc/X11/cursors/
    2) Make a theme directory to the /usr/share/icons/ and copy the theme files there
    3) Add the theme to the alternatives


    0) Dowloading a theme > Kubuntaero. Unpacking it.

    The Kubuntaero_v1.0 directory has: A subdirectory cursors and a index.theme file.

    1) Copying the "index.theme" file to the /etc/X11/cursors/Kubuntaero_v1.0.theme and adding "inherits" info. The /etc/X11/cursors/Kubuntaero_v1.0.theme has:
    [Icon Theme]
    Comment=Aero-drop based mouse pointers with a Kubunto-ish touch
    Inherits = Kubuntaero_v1.0
    2) Making a /usr/share/icons/Kubuntaero_v1.0/ directory and copying there:
    + index.theme
    + cursors

    the /usr/share/icons/Kubuntaero_v1.0/ has:
    :~$ ls -l /usr/share/icons/Kubuntaero_v1.0/
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-07-18 17:10 cursors
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 98 2010-06-01 16:13 index.theme
    3) Adding the theme to the alternatives:
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme x-cursor-theme /etc/X11/cursors/Kubuntaero_v1.0.theme 20

    After this the Kubuntaero_v1.0 mouse theme is usable with the system and all users.

    update-alternatives --list x-cursor-theme

    sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme
    There are 7 choices for the alternative x-cursor-theme (providing /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme).

    Selection Path Priority Status
    * 0 /etc/X11/cursors/oxy-white.theme 50 auto mode
    1 /etc/X11/cursors/Bluecurve.theme 20 manual mode
    2 /etc/X11/cursors/Kubuntaero_v1.0.theme 20 manual mode
    3 /etc/X11/cursors/core.theme 30 manual mode
    4 /etc/X11/cursors/handhelds.theme 20 manual mode
    5 /etc/X11/cursors/oxy-white.theme 50 manual mode
    6 /etc/X11/cursors/redglass.theme 20 manual mode
    7 /etc/X11/cursors/whiteglass.theme 20 manual mode

    Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 2
    update-alternatives: using /etc/X11/cursors/Kubuntaero_v1.0.theme to provide /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme (x-cursor-theme) in manual mode.

    Remove a system mouse theme

    1) Remove the theme from the alternatives
    2) Remove the theme file from the /etc/X11/cursors/
    3) Remove the theme directory from the /usr/share/icons/


    1) Removing a theme from the mouse themes:
    sudo update-alternatives --remove x-cursor-theme /etc/X11/cursors/Bluecurve.theme
    after this the Bluecurve.theme is not available:
    update-alternatives --list x-cursor-theme
    2&3) Cleaning the /etc/X11/cursors/ and /usr/share/icons/

    /1/ > Using the Debian alternatives system
    /2/ > How to Make a Cursors File for Ubuntu
    /3/ > Xcursor Theme Tutorial
    /4/ > Specifications >> Cursor conventions specification
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information