To set up access to a Windows partition, edit your /etc/fstab (as root) :
Add a line like:
Replace /dev/hda2 with the location of your windows partition.
/mnt/win is the place where you want the contents of the Windows partition to
be mounted.
The other settings asign read-only access and assure that non-root users have access
to the partition.
When done editing and saving fstab, you will need to reboot.
Afterward, your Windows partition should be accessable by going into /mnt/win.
Add a line like:
/dev/hda2 /mnt/win ntfs ro,umask=0000,user,gid=users 0 0
/mnt/win is the place where you want the contents of the Windows partition to
be mounted.
The other settings asign read-only access and assure that non-root users have access
to the partition.
When done editing and saving fstab, you will need to reboot.
Afterward, your Windows partition should be accessable by going into /mnt/win.