This has been bugging me for a while. Sometimes, web pages with links to PDF files will give you the option of either downloading the file or opening the file in an application. Choosing the latter would result in launching Krita! Similarly, if I would open Firefox's download manager and try to open a PDF from there, the same thing would happen. PDFs should open in Okular, not image editors. Fixing this required an edit to a MIME definition file.
1. In KDE, press Alt+F2 to open KRunner. Enter:
2. Find the line that begins with application/pdf. Remove all non-Okular entries. A proper Okular-only line looks like this. The semicolon at the end is required.
3. Save the file and close the editor.
No reboots are necessary.
1. In KDE, press Alt+F2 to open KRunner. Enter:
kdesu kate /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache
No reboots are necessary.