The ability to change your current desktop wallpaper "on-the-fly" has always been missing from kde4. From what I can tell, it's mostly because kde4 has so many varying ways to change or set your background that it's too complicated (at least for now) to use a simple command. I'm a pretty simple guy and my desktop isn't fancy - I only use one desktop anymore - but I like to change the image once in a while. Well, doing this requires several steps, locate image, right-click desktop, select Default Desktop Settings... etc., etc., ad nauseum. I wanted to be able to do it with a single right-click on the image - and now I can.
Note: This is a very specific use case. AFAIK, it only works as I describe - on a single desktop - nothing fancy. YMMV
Turns out our KDE4 has a slideshow setting for desktop wallpaper. If you only have one slide; nothing changes, the desktop image remains the same.
So I wrote a servicemenu that erases the previous desktop image and replaces it with your new selection. Here's how to do this:
1. Create a folder for your "slideshow" of one. I used a hidden folder in my home called .background. You can use any location you like.
2. Right-click on your desktop and select "Default Desktop Settings" then under Wallpaper, select "Slideshow" and add your directory using the "Add Folder" button, set the "change image every.." to 10 seconds, Apply, and exit. You desktop will go black - this is normal (no images yet to display).
3. Open kate (or your favorite text editor) and paste in this text:
Don't forget the extra blank line at the end.
4. Save this file as wallpaper.desktop in your home under ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/
5. Close any currently open instances of Dolphin and then open Dolphin.
6. Navigate to any image with Dolphin, right-click on it and select "Set Wallpaper"
It should appear almost immediately. Repeat #6 and see your new image show up.
If you want to use this to add an image to your desktop slideshow rather than replace it, use this servicemenu with both options (Set or Add)
If you do this one, you might want longer than 10 seconds with each image.
Simple and fun!
Note: This is a very specific use case. AFAIK, it only works as I describe - on a single desktop - nothing fancy. YMMV
Turns out our KDE4 has a slideshow setting for desktop wallpaper. If you only have one slide; nothing changes, the desktop image remains the same.
So I wrote a servicemenu that erases the previous desktop image and replaces it with your new selection. Here's how to do this:
1. Create a folder for your "slideshow" of one. I used a hidden folder in my home called .background. You can use any location you like.
2. Right-click on your desktop and select "Default Desktop Settings" then under Wallpaper, select "Slideshow" and add your directory using the "Add Folder" button, set the "change image every.." to 10 seconds, Apply, and exit. You desktop will go black - this is normal (no images yet to display).
3. Open kate (or your favorite text editor) and paste in this text:
[Desktop Entry]Type=Service ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin MimeType=image/* Actions=Background [Desktop Action Background] Icon=image-x-generic Name=Set Wallpaper Exec=/bin/rm ~/.background/* && /bin/cp %f ~/.background
4. Save this file as wallpaper.desktop in your home under ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/
5. Close any currently open instances of Dolphin and then open Dolphin.
6. Navigate to any image with Dolphin, right-click on it and select "Set Wallpaper"
It should appear almost immediately. Repeat #6 and see your new image show up.
If you want to use this to add an image to your desktop slideshow rather than replace it, use this servicemenu with both options (Set or Add)
[Desktop Entry]Type=Service ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin MimeType=image/* Actions=Background;Add [Desktop Action Background] Icon=image-x-generic Name=Set Wallpaper Exec=/bin/rm ~/.background/* && /bin/cp %f ~/.background [Desktop Action Add] Icon=image-x-generic Name=Add Wallpaper Exec=/bin/cp %f ~/.background
Simple and fun!