In the course of doing a bunch of video stuff, I found the need of converting some file formats.
The cut to the chase is that "winff" "ffmpeg" has/have been "deprecated" and is/are a transition package(s) in the repos and one should use "avconv"( which has been , apparently,) greatly upgraded.
If one cannot actually get Winff to do some of the conversions, the way to fix the situation is to either enable the medibuntu repos or do sudo to do so(sic) one will get an "upgrade" notification, and should accept if one does sudo.
After the upgraded medibuntu repo was enabled "Winff" did, indeed, convert the various formats whereas it would not do so before.
The cut to the chase is that "winff" "ffmpeg" has/have been "deprecated" and is/are a transition package(s) in the repos and one should use "avconv"( which has been , apparently,) greatly upgraded.
If one cannot actually get Winff to do some of the conversions, the way to fix the situation is to either enable the medibuntu repos or do sudo to do so(sic) one will get an "upgrade" notification, and should accept if one does sudo.
After the upgraded medibuntu repo was enabled "Winff" did, indeed, convert the various formats whereas it would not do so before.