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How To: In FF - Change Latest Headlines button to another feed

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    How To: In FF - Change Latest Headlines button to another feed

    The more experienced folks might consider this to be non-essential information and if a mod wishes to remove the thread to save server space; you hereby have my permission to so do.

    Since I have used Firefox I have mused about the "Eurocentrism" about having the "Latest Headlines" be from BBC.

    So, tonight I decided to see if I could change the situation and fiddled around in preferences etc.

    The fix is in the button itself.

    Right clicking the button itself/ properties/ produces an interactive box with three things that can be done.

    Name: type in what you want.
    Feed Location; is the button itself and possibly should not be changed.
    Site Location: is the feed URL itself.

    One can merely remove the site location URL and replace it with another URL.


    If one wants to actually keep the BBC button one can place ANOTHER BUTTON.

    Go to the site of desire such as Google RSS feed.

    Google search page/Linux/ bottom of resulting page is an RSS interactive button.

    Click the letters RSS NOT the button.

    At the top of that page one will see "Subscribe to this page using" the default is "Live Bookmarks".

    My particular setup also shows "choose application", "Google", "Yahoo".

    Clicking "Live Bookmarks" produces an identical button to "Latest Headlines" with the "Linux - Google News" title.

    One can, of course, slide the button to wherever one wishes.

    Amazing that, after using FF for years, I did not know the above! lol

    If anyone wishes to add anything, please do so.

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 11, 2012, 06:53 PM.