Here is another of my servicemenu idea's. I use the command line clamscan virus scanner to do my virus scanning. I like it because it seems quicker than bulky GUI virus tools. This servicemenu gives you a Dolphin / Konqueror right-click Action menu to scan selected files and directories. You will need to install kde-baseapps-bin for kdialog and clamav for clamscan.
Put this file in /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/clamav_clamscan.desktop
And put this in a script called ClamScan and put the script in your path e.g. $HOME/bin or /usr/local/bin make sure it's executable
EDIT: Selecting files or directories with spaces in the name probably will not work.
Put this file in /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/clamav_clamscan.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Actions=ClamScan; Type=Service ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin MimeType=all/all; [Desktop Action ClamScan] Exec=ClamScan %F Name=Perform Virus Scan on file Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/clam48.png
#!/bin/bash # ClamScan script # this script can be called from a servicemenu file or from the command prompt # Usage: ClamScan [file1|directory1] [file2|directory2] ... #Set your clamscan options here DIROPTS="--recursive=yes --bell --infected --cross-fs=no" FILEOPTS="--bell" # ClamScan some stuff while [[ "$1" ]];do target="$1" shift target_name="$(basename ${target})" if (test -f "${target}");then kdialog --title "ClamScan file ${target_name}" --msgbox "$(/usr/bin/clamscan $FILEOPTS ${target})" & else if (test -d "${target}");then kdialog --title "ClamScan directory ${target_name}" --msgbox "$(/usr/bin/clamscan ${DIROPTS} "${target}")" & else kdialog --title " Usage ERROR " --msgbox "Select only files or directories to scan." & fi fi done