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How To: Access Google Docs using Dolphin via WebDAV

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    How To: Access Google Docs using Dolphin via WebDAV

    In my never-ending quest for eliminating local storage, I stumbled across this handy little utility: DAV-pocket. It's a WebDAV server that can access Google Docs -- and it supports bi-directional transfer. This is pretty handy, especially since Dolphin understands webdav:// URLs.

    At its most basic, you can create an entry in Dolphin's Places panel with this URL
    You'll be asked for your Google ID and password. Eventually your docs and folders will appear. Left-clicking to open is broken; you need to right-click, choose Open With, and enter or select the program.

    I found that after a while, authentication was failing. I'm not sure whether Google counts the number of logins and limits them to X per hour or something. DAV-pocket provides an OAuth service, in which you create an account at DAV-pocket and then grant it access to your Google account. I did that, and authentication problems went away. The WebDAV URL for this is a bit different:
    Another advantage you get by going through their OAuth service is the ability to enable or disable certain file conversion types.

    I've encountered a number of idiosyncrasies as I test editing and saving files with Kate and Calligra Words, but none of them seem all that insurmoutable. I'm still trying to figure whether allowing Google to convert is a good idea; some formatting appears to change, but converted docs don't count against your 1 MB limit -- you can store an infinte number of files in Google's formats.

    One thing I've noticed: Google's native format for docs appears to be Word!

    Anyway...enjoy, and if you notice anything curious in your own explorations, let us know here.

    Well you are my new hero. Just deleted a bunch of stuff that I was too lazy to do via the web interface. Thanks!

