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How to get RSS feeds of the forums

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    How to get RSS feeds of the forums

    This is the basic template for creating a new feed:;boards=[board numbers separated by commas];limit=[number of recent posts to display]

    This is a simpler template for copy/pasting once you know what you're doing:;limit=

    The numbers to put in the "boards=" parameter can be found at the end of the URL of the board in question. For example, this board's ("How To's") number is 53: Note, however, that you will have to use the number of a board that has actual posts in it and not the number of a board that just contains other child-boards. In other words, a board (such as board 1.0 "Announcements") does not display posts from its child-boards (such as board 1.0's "Administrative Announcements" and "Kubuntu Announcements").

    The number you enter in for "limit=" is the number of posts your feed will display out of the total number of the newest posts in that board, so its basically how far back in the post history you want your RSS to go for that board. For example:;limit=20 displays the most recent twenty posts from the "Help the New Guy" board.

    The board numbers are as follows:

    Announcements Boards
    Admin Announcements = 59
    Kubuntu Announcements = 24

    Documentation Boards
    How To's = 53
    Experimentation/Customization/Optimization = 6
    Kubuntu User Testimonies = 23
    Bugs = 26

    Help the New Guy = 7

    Kubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat Boards
    Pre-installation = 125
    Post-installation = 126
    Hardware Support = 127
    Software Support = 128
    Network Support = 129
    Soapbox = 130

    Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx (LTS)
    Pre-installation = 117
    Post-installation = 118
    Hardware Support = 119
    Software Support = 120
    Network Support = 121
    Soapbox = 122

    Kubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Pre-release Testing = 132

    Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
    Install and Boot = 110
    Software Support = 111
    Hardware Support = 112
    Network Support = 113

    Previous Kubuntu Releases
    Kubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope = 100
    Kubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex = 93
    Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron = 80
    Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon = 51
    Kubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn = 71
    Kubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake (LTS) = 54

    Desktop Support
    KDE Support = 89
    XFCE Environment Help = 19
    Gnome = 36
    Other = 68

    Kubuntu Transitioners = 98

    Everything Else = 14

    Miscellaneous Linux Info
    Geek News = 17
    Coding/Scripting = 18
    Gaming = 16
    Artwork = 30
    Audio/Video = 79

    Community Cafe
    Distribution Showdown = 11
    Classifieds = 22
    Social/Casual Talk = 15

    KubuntuForums Feedback
    Site Improvements = 8
    Forum Ideas = 9
    Dynamic FAQ = 10

    ...annnd if the Spanish want their board IDs they have to look them up for themselves because I'm tired of looking up board numbers now.
    ...annnd the French haven't posted anything since last year, so, yeah.

    Re: How to get RSS feeds of the forums

    Big clappy handsy emoticonthingy here!

    So..I'm off to fiddle with RSSnow!

    And Heeeesss baaack!

    With RSSnow it is basically move the plasmoid/widget to the desktop, click the wrench, click "Feeds", in the "add a feed" box, it defaults to akregator, but has never worked, click in there and delete it, then copy the feed of the example, (new posts, the first link above) and put it in there then click the "add feed" button and it is below the "" and works fine.

    As of this writing is "sliding" ten items and Kubuntu Forums is sliding five items.

    In the general tab, there is no number set in "manage number of items" it is set at "no limit'.

    Worked like CHARM!!! Bravo!



      Re: How to get RSS feeds of the forums

      Does anyone know if there is a way to get Thunderbird to show the topics as nested threads, as opposed to just listing the posts by topic? If not, are there any readers that will, or is this just not possible with this type of feed?

      What I am getting now is a single list of posts, which I can sort by time or topic, but it would be neater with just a list of topics that can be expanded (or ignored).
      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

