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How-to Nepomuk, Akonadi, Kontact, Kmail, contacts, how get working

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    How-to Nepomuk, Akonadi, Kontact, Kmail, contacts, how get working

    This is all very simple, really.

    There are three parts to this post: a) how to do it on clean install, b) how to do it with Kontact already installed. c) how to do it with another web mail thing.

    a) The very simple answer to how to do this is to NOT have Kontact installed first.

    In a "fresh install"

    i) Go to Synaptic and install together, at one time, Nepomuk and Akonadi. Make sure that "Akonaditray" is included in the install, if not hunt for it in the Akonadi stuff.
    ii) update
    iii) get some coffee, or soda, or whatever and fiddle around and let the databases "talk to each other". I'd wait at least a half hour, espcially if one has a slower processor.
    iv) update again
    v) shut down and restart.
    vi) update again and again, fiddle around so as to let the databases talk to each other.

    NOTE: There are posts on the net that say that one may not see them doing this in "processes" so, to be on the safe side, be on the lazy side.

    vii) Then install Kontact.
    viii) fiddle around some more, take your time, and let the databases talk to each other.
    ix) update again
    x) fiddle again.

    Next configure Kontact. start with Kmail using the information in my how to on how to get Kmail working with g-mail.

    If you want to use another e-mail service, like yahoo, etc. I HIGHLY recommend that you "waste some time", setting up a throw away g-mail account and e-mail yourself from the OTHER account so that there is an e-mail in the inbox. ALSO, set up at least one "contact", maybe make it your other e-mail account as a contact. AND...AND....set up an appointment for at least one day ahead of when you are working.

    NOTE... several of the discussions on the net mentioned that if one does not have some actual information in a contact, then the databases don't "know what to do with it". So, at least fill in a first and last name, a real e-mail address, a made up physical address.

    Set up the g-mail account and then just sit and wait for the servers to update themselves, again take your time, fifteen minutes..... I KNOW.... the database people are sitting there LAUGHING at me, but, worked....

    After waiting a while, then ..

    Go to menu/accessories and you should see Akonaditray. Click it, and you should see a blue "ball" appear in the panel.

    Right click and you will see that it is "running"....let it run....

    go get some coffee again so that the databases can work together.

    Then right click "configure", and you should see that there are already some things in it.

    What you should see are the "local" stuff that is on your computer such as:
    a) local folders
    b) personal calendar
    c) personal calendar
    d) personal calendar
    these are calendars for other things like possibly Thunderbird or stuff, if you do not have any such things and Koffice is giving you your first calendar, then you should, possibly, see only one personal calendar.
    f) resource

    All of these should have a green button and say "ready".

    Click add on the button on the left and click two items, google calendar resource, google contacts resource click them one at a time and you "should" see in the left box something that says: akonadi googledata resource 0

    The "resource", i "think" is what akonadi looks at to see the Google "mail" I do not know.

    Let things sit a while.

    restart the machine.

    restart akonadi, this "should" not have to be done again, because it should start automatically when you boot up and/or when you use Kontact.

    Go to the blue button for Akonadi and click start if it is not started and then wait a short while check the configure and you should see that all of the things in there have nice green buttons meaning they are ready.

    A) go to Kmail and you "should" see in the "inbox" on the left side, local documents, etc. and below it a "IMAP" account and a weird white vertical tubular symbol.

    You can click it or click the "sync" button and WAIT A WHILE...but it will, indeed, populate the e-mails from gMail and it will leave the mail ON the g-mail server. Of course if you just had one g-mail as above it will probably happen more rapidly.


    shut down Kontact and let things sit a while.

    Open Kontact and it "should" immediately check for mail.

    Go to the contacts got to settings configure kontact, you will not get contacts it will be Kontact in general go to contact and click settings and it will provide only one thing. it will have a button that SHOULD already be ticked and that is "enable contacts".

    click ok on that

    go to contacts and click check mail or the sync button and you should see a check for mail and the contacts should appear.

    The calendar.

    Go to calendar and if you ONLY see in "calendars" a "default calendar or a "personal calendar" then FIRST...CLOSE Kontact... and then you will have to go back to akonadi tray and add the akonadi google calendar resource.

    click ok,

    wait a while...really.... otherwise you may have to force close Kontact.

    Then open Kontact and wait a while.

    Then do the mail thing if it did not do it.

    Check contacts to confirm that they are still there.

    Go to calendar and open it, you SHOULD now see something like "default calendar checked" and also no "akonadi calendar" checked.

    Wait a minute, to let the calendar sync if you "do" something it may lock Kontact up and you will have to force close.

    The calendar from google should appear with your appointment.

    If Kontact locked up then force close and wait a minute, open again and you should now have "everything".

    b) If you had Kontact installed first. I HIGHLY recommend that you jot down the important information such as port numbers the security settings such as TSL or SSL for the appropriate sending or receiveing, they may or may not be the same. Then uninstall Kontact. Reinstall after installing Akonadi and Nepomuk as per above, using the above instructions and your particular port numbers etc.

    c) If you are using another webmail service you will have to go to that service's help site and get the apprpriate things to do in sending and receiving.

    Akonadi now, supposedly also uses Yahoo, I imagine you will have to have the paid service, and also does POP.

    A CAVEAT FOR have to tell the server to NOT download and "not keep" on their server if you want to have the mail both places, that means you tell it to "not" "clean" their server. Of course if you want to do that go ahead.

    Well that is about it folks, if a moderator has a change to make please do so and leave a note. if someone else has a change to make please post and i will do it.

    If anyone has comments then please post them, because I am not an expert on this.


    Re: How-to Nepomuk, Akonadi, Kontact, Kmail, contacts, how get working

    As of this post, I have done just about everything that I can to test the Kmail application in Kontact.

    Suffice it to say that I had to do an e-mail in a forum and the forum then "popped" Kmail, I sent the e-mail to several forum members and also to myself and, upon opening Kontact and checking the IMAP folder wherein the g-mail thing resides, there, indeed, was the email that I sent to myself from the forum.

    Unless anyone else has comments, I would say, as of this writing, that the Kontact/Kmail synergism does, indeed, work.

    If a moderator has comments please insert them and leave a message. If anyone else has a question or comment, please post and I will attempt to answer them, but remember that I am not an expert on this merely someone who is trying to help.

    If anyone just has a comment please feel free to post it.


