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How-to: Kcalendar and g-calendar setup and import export.

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    How-to: Kcalendar and g-calendar setup and import export.

    Calendar in Kontact and gcalendar.

    This is using
    Kontact Version 1.2.9 2008-2010 The Trinity Desktop Project on Lucid.

    If you wait until after setting up K-mail and g-mail then there is not much to do here because the "important" settings will already be filled in.

    Please do not "do" anything until you have read the following and checked things.

    Go to Calendar
    Configure Calendar
    Personal, the important thing is the very first box to tick which is "Use email settings from Control Center". There should already be an "x" for it to be ticked. Otherwise there are two boxes, Full Name(Anonymous) and E-mail address(nobody@nowhere).

    The anomaly here is that the instructions were written, I guess, for Gnome or something, and there is no "control center" in Kubuntu Trinity Lucid.

    "Control center" is, instead, System Settings.
    Go to "about me".
    If you have waited, then you should see in about me:
    Name: your name that you entered in the K-mail setup.
    Organization that you entered, I entered "home"
    E-mail address the g-mail address you are using.
    SMTP server box will be empty, leave it so.
    User ID is 1000(this is a default that is used in other parts of Kubuntu such as setting up users, admins, etc.
    AFTER you are completely sure that the mail, etc. is all working well, and things are stable, you can put a picture here and it will show up in the Kontact places which use a picture.

    Now....CONVERSELY............if you had enough experience to set up the above before doing the Kontact-g-mail thing, then the e-mail, your name, etc. would have already been in Kontact!

    The rest of the items below Personal can be changed as you see fit after you are sure everything is working.

    Exporting the calendar to g-mail and vice versa.

    Open the calendar if not already open and you should see several panes and the right-most one for me first presented the daily calendar with hours from 7 am to 8 pm.

    Click a time and another day(such as the following day)(they are at the top going left to right) box and enter some kind of appointment, I typed "test for google". The boxes for the rest of it are pretty much self-explanatory and then ok.

    You should see the appointment in the calendar.

    Now you could send the calendar to g-calendar by using "export" function in File to export the calendar as an "i-calendar" or as a "v-calendar". This would save to documents or someplace and then you can attach it as an e-mail etc.

    But the more cool and simpler way to get the appointment to g-mail is to right click the appointment and the bottom menu item is to "send as an i-calendar". Click that and a K-mail box appears, you put the place you want to mail it to, like your addy at g-mail and it goes.

    If you look around in the box you will see that, later, you can set some default e-mail addresses to use.

    Now it will take a while for it to go, maybe almost a minute and then it will appear in g-mail if you have g-mail open and check the mail. Click it and import into g-mail and voila! there you are!

    You can, of course, reverse the process, by putting an item in g-calendar and exporting it back to Kontact.

    But, to get back to the "export" and File method. If you make a lot of changes then use that.

    THE IMPORTANT THING that you can put a calendar item on g-calendar using the Android phone, it will be in the g-calendar when you open it on a computer and you can then import from there to Kontact. And again, vice versa, what you put into g-calendar will appear on the Android.

    NOTE: This is not "sync"ing between the calendars it is the old "manual" import and export.

    Akonadi is what is supposed to actually sync and it will, supposedly, according to the posts on the net work with "contacts" and "calendar" using g-mail as a default system since g-mail uses IMAP.

    However, there are also a lot of "bug reports" and most posts are back in early 2010.

    After I have everything up and running "manually" as it were, I'll take a whack at Akonadi.

    However, if anyone else has newer, more relevant info on Akonadi please post it.

    If a moderator finds a mistake in this how-to please correct it, and leave a note, if anyone has a comment or correction, please post it and I will change things. I am not an expert on this and if anyone who is want's to comment, please do so.
