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HOWTO Fix K3b notifications from playing 'short'

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    HOWTO Fix K3b notifications from playing 'short'

    KDE 4.5.1

    For awhile now, the notification sounds in K3b (version 2.0.1 here) are truncated, playing just the first note of the file. I've investigated and was basically told that it's the fault of the backend audio engine (Xine here).

    Playing the files that are affected in K3b through any media player shows that they pay just fine - there isn't anything wrong with the files. What I noticed is that the files that don't play correctly in K3b are .wav files. Hmm says I. Could that be the issue?

    So, I installed vorbis-tools:
    Description: several Ogg Vorbis tools
    vorbis-tools contains oggenc (an encoder), ogg123 (a playback tool),
    ogginfo (displays ogg information), oggdec (decodes ogg files), vcut
    (ogg file splitter), and vorbiscomment (ogg comment editor).
    ogg123 can play both Ogg Vorbis and FLAC audio streams.
    as I wanted a command line tool to convert the .wav files to .ogg. As I'm not into full-fledged audio editing, I didn't need a GUI application (audiokonverter) to do a very basic task - convert audio files from one format to another. vorbis-tools fills the bill.

    After installation, I opened a console, navigated to /usr/share/sounds and converted the offending files as follows:
    sudo oggenc k3b_success1.wav
    sudo oggenc k3b_error1.wav
    sudo oggenc k3b_wait_media1.wav
    The last one really didn't need to be converted, as it's a single-note file anyway, but ...

    Opening K > System Settings > Application and System Notifications > Manage Notifications > Applications > Event Source: > K3b and changed the three event sounds from the .wav files to the new .ogg files. Tested and they all play completely. Life is good again. 8)
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

    Re: HOWTO Fix K3b notifications from playing 'short'

    8), so 8)

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