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HOWTO: Set KDE Desktop Resolution and Refresh Rate on startup

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    HOWTO: Set KDE Desktop Resolution and Refresh Rate on startup

    hello everybody!
    I know there are lots of issues with KDE reseting the resolution of the screen when rebooting. I tried LOTS of solutions and NONE solved my problem.

    Some say to edit your xorg.config (or something like that) but since Karimc, we do not have that file.
    I can name all the solutions available in forums, official KDE help files, but I won't.

    After thinking and thining, something enlightened me.
    I read that with the command xrandr you can change your resolution, but it will reset after reboot.

    But what I did is the simpliest.

    Just add that command to the startup programs and services.

    For example, my screen is 1280x1024 with a 60hz rate. So the command I added is:

    xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1280x1024 --rate 60

    Where VGA1 is my screen (you can see how is it named by running KRandRTray), obviously 1280x1024 is the resolution and 60 is the rate.

    Add it by clicking Kmenu->System Preferences-> AdvcancedTab -> autoboot-> add application (names may vary, 'cause my KDE is in spanish, but I try to make it as close as possible).

    save it and you're done. Everytime your KDE starts, it will automatically set the screen resolution and rate you entered.

    I hope this info helps everyone that is lloking for an answer for this issue, I visited many many forum threads and I am very lazy to register in all those forums and answer every thread.


    Re: HOWTO: Set KDE Desktop Resolution and Refresh Rate on startup

    This did not work for me in Kubuntu 10.04. I used the following in Settings/Advanced/autostart.

    /usr/bin/xrandr -s 1280x1024

    Roy Leith


      Re: HOWTO: Set KDE Desktop Resolution and Refresh Rate on startup

      Thanks 1UP for sharing this. Iam having a same issue on Kubuntu 10.04, I think its a bug....since there;s no xorg.conf do we force resolution?, because RandR tray starts on bootbut doesnt save the resolution of the previous session

      BTW i tried to do the same in autostart but i was adding a script instead of a program which was not working! thank god i found your post last after trying all other things. Now its fine

      I registered just to reply and say thanks on behalf of many users who may be helped by this...


        Re: HOWTO: Set KDE Desktop Resolution and Refresh Rate on startup

        since there;s no xorg.conf file
        Actually, this isn't totally correct. There is no xorg.conf file generated by the installer because xorg attempts to pick correct resolution and driver internally.

        You may create an xorg.conf if you wish and it will be used.

        The command to do this is

        Xorg -configure

        You must superuser, be in text mode, and x must be shut down. You can also use a copy form another install or create one manually.

        Please Read Me

