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lightscribe in linux ;-)

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    lightscribe in linux ;-)

    Okay, I'm gonna try and make this one a little less geekish

    Here's how to make lightscribe go - note that the instructions are a little different for amd64 installations.

    First thing you need is the lightscribe package itself. You can find it here -

    and LaCie makes about the best lightscribe application I've seen for Linux - you can get it here.

    32-bit Linux instructions first - this is actually pretty easy. 64-bit users can skip down a little bit.

    First we've gotta install a couple of packages. You may already have them installed but just in case let's install both fakeroot and alien.

    sudo apt-get install fakeroot alien

    After that finishes you can go ahead and install lightscribe like this -

    sudo dpkg -i lightscribe-

    As I mentioned above LaCie's got the best Linux application for designing disk labels but as you can see it's in .rpm format, not .deb so we'll have to convert it to something we can use like this -

    fakeroot alien -t 4L-1.0-r6.i586.rpm

    and then

    fakeroot alien 4L-1.0.tgz

    which will create your .deb package. The reason you have to convert to .tgz before you can create a .deb package is that a straight .rpm to .deb convertion fails on this package - I don't know why.

    Anyway, now you can install the lightscribe editor like this -

    sudo dpkg -i 4l_1.0-2_all.deb

    Now we're gonna put you on hold for a minute and talk to the amd64 crowd as these are 32-bit binaries and the install procedure for 64-bit Linux is a little different. 32-bit users can skip down a little to where we make the launcher.

    So - 64-bit users, here we go -

    First if you don't have fakeroot, alien and ia32-libs installed you'll need all three of them.

    sudo apt-get install fakeroot alien ia32-libs

    Then, we install the lightscribe package like this -

    sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture lightscribe-

    We convert the LaCie lightscribe editor package to .deb the same way we did above -

    fakeroot alien -t 4L-1.0-r6.i586.rpm

    and then

    fakeroot alien 4L-1.0.tgz

    Then to install we just run dpkg again -

    sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture 4l_1.0-2_all.deb

    Okay, everybody now...

    All we've got left is to make a launcher - and the LaCie editor must be run as root, so your command line would look like this -

    kdesudo 4L-gui

    And that's it. The user manual for the LaCie labeler is here - it's a simple labeler but a lot better than the one at

    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
    -- anais nin

    Re: lightscribe in linux ;-)

    Nice job -- very clear and easy to read.


