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KubuntuForums.Net Search Engine for Konqueror

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    KubuntuForums.Net Search Engine for Konqueror

    Inspired by Nirvana's KubuntuForums.Net Firefox Search Plugin, I tried to make a similar feature for Konqueror. It may not be as easy at the point-and-click installation in Firefox, but it's not that difficult and has a bonus feature, too!

    (This presumes you have either the Google Suggest Plugin or the Search Bar Plugin enabled and visible)
    1. Click on the "G" Google icon (or whatever icon is currently there) to bring down a list of enabled search engines. Click the bottom option "Select Search Engines"

    2. Welcome to Konqueror's search engines! Before we go on, at the bottom of the dialog box, you will see a "keyword delimiter" pulldown menu. There are only two choices: colon or space. Just take note of which one is displayed. Now, click the "Add" button near the upper-right corner of the dialog box. Now, put these in the respective input boxes:

    Search Provider name: KubuntuForums.Net
    Search URL:;search=\{@}
    URL Shortdut: kfn

    3. Click OK

    4. Now, an entry named KubuntuForums.Net will be added to the list.

    5. Click Apply. The system will update. Then Click Ok.

    6. Click again on the Google icon and choose "Select Search Engines".

    6. Look for the entry that we added. Put a check mark in the box beside KubuntuForums.Net then click apply. What this will do is to add KubuntuForums.Net to the search engines in the Search Bar.

    (Don't ask me why it doesn't work the first time. It just doesn't. Possibly a bug?)

    7. Click Ok. And we're done! Now you can simply choose KubuntuForums.Net from the search bar whenever you need to have a quick search, without going to the main page.

    Now for the Bonus!
    Remember the "kfn" we entered for URL shortcut and the keyword delimiter? Here's the deal, you can use the search engine we made, without having to choose it from the dropdown list of search engines in the search bar. Just type it in the location bar of Konqueror (where you usually type http:// or /home, etc). For example, I want to do a (very) quick search about Dapper and nvidia, I would simply type this in the location bar:

    kfn:dapper nvidia (if your keyword delimiter is "colon") or
    kfn dapper nvidia (if your keyword delimiter is "space")

    There you have it folks! It's really easy. I just made this guide long for new people who are still getting used to Kubuntu/KDE. Now that you know what these things do/are, try experimenting on your own. Other URL shortcuts are gg (Google), wp (Wikipedia), and ubw (Ubuntu Wiki). Just look the others up in the Search Engines list.
    Jucato's Data Core

    Re: KubuntuForums.Net Search Engine for Konqueror

    Nice HOWTO for adding searches

    Also, you can run the searches from the run dialog (or the panel applet)...Alt+F2 and type
    kfn: Your Search ...same works for google (gg and the rest.

    The searches open in your default browser when started from the 'run dialog', so they're handy even if you don't use konqueror by default.


      Re: KubuntuForums.Net Search Engine for Konqueror

      This is way cool! 8)

      Just followed Jucato's HOWTO and it works flawlessly. Another useful addition to Konqueror.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: KubuntuForums.Net Search Engine for Konqueror

        This is way cool and I use it a lot. There is one strange thing though, I seem to loose the configuration once in a while so I got to look up this old topic and coinfigure it once again. Does anyone have the same experience?

        This puzzles me, it is like something is eatiing my konqueror configs. Konqi?


          Re: KubuntuForums.Net Search Engine for Konqueror

          wow, that's cool, I'm going to use that!
          <a href="" title="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 22076"><img src="" alt="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 22076" /></a>


            Re: KubuntuForums.Net Search Engine for Konqueror

            I am bumping this because it is a really cool thing that I need to reconfigure for every upgrade of Kubuntu. I just did it again, for 8.10! Recommended for new users.


              Re: KubuntuForums.Net Search Engine for Konqueror

              This is an older thread, but very useful. Just to add to Jucato's post, and to clarify that his beginning statement:

              (This presumes you have either the Google Suggest Plugin or the Search Bar Plugin enabled and visible)

              isn't an absolute. All you have to do is open Konqueror, click on Settings > Configure Konqueror... > Web Shortcuts > New... and follow the rest of the instructions.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

