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Install (almost) any plasmoid

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    Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

    Oh I see, so this basically means I'll have to wait for these plasmoids to be made compatible with KDE 4.1 I guess.

    Thanks a lot for your lightning fast response!


      Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

      Doesn't work:
      multirow taskbar
      quicklauncher (both source and ubuntu versions)
      I am running a fresh Kubuntu 8.04 kde4.1 and have installed QuickLauncher form the ubuntu packed width out any problems

      I alsow have installed the multirow taskbar. From (made by sars but first I have to install kdebase-workspace-dev


        Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

        I also get this
        make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
        And no, I simply cannot find the makefile I have cmake, automake and build-essential installed - am I missing something?

        Yep, I think I've found what I'm missing (head hanging in shame - it is right in Fintan's first post!)

        sudo apt-get install libkonq5-dev libkonq5 cmake libplasma-dev kdelibs5-dev g++
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

          Yep. I get that same error every time, even after having all that other stuff installed. Never figured out and never really asked, but while someone has, I'd be interested in knowing why the error?


            Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

            Well, you need all of that:

            sudo apt-get install libkonq5-dev libkonq5 cmake libplasma-dev kdelibs5-dev g++ kdebase-dev
            I left one out up to, namely the last one.

            Also, if you are reading this, Fintan, perhaps you could update your first post to read the above line so that people can just copy and paste and to reflect the change from kdebase-dev-kde4 to kdebase-dev

            And MoonRise, you sure you got all those? Try again and report back
            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


              Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

              Thought I did .

              Anyway, YEA!!!!


                Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

                So you got them all installed but it still ain't working? You got build-essential on your box?

                Well, having said that, there are enough plasmoids which I have not been able to install, but others work no probs. Try the weather widget for example, it worked for me (although it is useless since it only accepts zip codes, i.e. USA )
                Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                  Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

                  The "Yea" was for getting it to work finally. Found out that after installing those (didn't have kdebase-dev) I had to start from the beginning. Once I did that it MAKE and MAKE INSTALL as it should. Now I have "New Device Notifier Automount" .


                    Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

                    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                      Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

                      Now this is a great little Plasmoid. Make went well and the Cashew is gone!!!



                        Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

                        I don't want to pee on anyone's matches, but i installed it with Synaptic.

                        Add this to your repos:
                        deb intrepid main
                        deb-src intrepid main

                        There are some other neat ones in there, as well.


                          Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

                          Found where Lancelot is in the official II repos. Trying that one out now.


                            Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

                            WOW!!! Has anyone used Lancelot?? That is a menu!! My choice from now on!


                              Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

                              Originally posted by MoonRise
                              WOW!!! Has anyone used Lancelot?? That is a menu!! My choice from now on!
                              Yep, using it here, slick little tool!
                              Being able to access the internet whilst answering a call of nature was 'one of life's most liberating experiences.'  Vic Hayes


                                Re: Install (almost) any plasmoid

                                KDE 4.1 plasmoids with the KDE 4.2

                                The Good News: KDE 4.2 has lot of plasmoids as default (System Monitor CPU/Hardware/Net/Temperature... whatever)

                                The Bad News: KDE 4.2 is using libplasma3, KDE 4.1 is using libplasma2. So with the plasmoids compiled with the KDE 4.1:
                                Depends: libplasma2 => Error: Cannot install 'libplasma2'
                                This is easy, with some applications, to correct with recompilation BUT some plasmoids will need to be rewrite to work with the KDE 4.2 !
                                Attached Files
                                Before you edit, BACKUP !

                                Why there are dead links ?
                                1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                                2. Thread: Lost Information

