This How To documents (1) method of converting packages from one format to another using the "alien" package (if you do not have this installed, open Konsole and type "sudo apt-get install alien")
The formats you can choose between (convert from and to) are:
--to-deb (.deb [or] Debian package)
--to-rpm (.rpm [or] Red Hat package)
--to-slp (.slp [or] Stampede package)
--to-lsb (.lsb [or] LSB package)
--to-tgz (.tar.gz [or] Slackware package)
--to-pkg (.pkg [or] Solaris package)
1) With alien installed, open Konsole and 'cd' to the directory within which your desired package is located (in Konsole, type "cd" followed the directory name; if it's on your desktop, you would type "cd ~/Desktop").
2) Still in Konsole, type "sudo alien --to-* (package name) (* denotes the format you want to convert to; say you wanted to convert the imaginary package abc123.tar.gz to a Debian package, you would type "sudo alien --to-deb abc123.tar.gz" [it would create the package abc123.deb])
That's it! Your done! Pretty simple huh? (You can use this to convert a package in one format to your native format; in Kubuntu, the native format is .deb, and as such, you can convert any of the above formats to the .deb format which is a one-click executable installation package in Kubuntu, similar to .exe packages in Window$.)
This public message brought to you in part by integr8e. Thank you for taking the time out of your incredibly busy, hectic, mind boggling day to read this post, I guarantee your attention is appreciated greatly by the author of this How To. All comments/suggestions are more than welcome; have a totally great, super awesome, absolutely amazing, completely incredible, God (Jesus) blessed day and night, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and all successive days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millennia, and ultimately eternity. Always remember, SSWJ - Stay(ing) Strong With Jesus, always
The formats you can choose between (convert from and to) are:
--to-deb (.deb [or] Debian package)
--to-rpm (.rpm [or] Red Hat package)
--to-slp (.slp [or] Stampede package)
--to-lsb (.lsb [or] LSB package)
--to-tgz (.tar.gz [or] Slackware package)
--to-pkg (.pkg [or] Solaris package)
1) With alien installed, open Konsole and 'cd' to the directory within which your desired package is located (in Konsole, type "cd" followed the directory name; if it's on your desktop, you would type "cd ~/Desktop").
2) Still in Konsole, type "sudo alien --to-* (package name) (* denotes the format you want to convert to; say you wanted to convert the imaginary package abc123.tar.gz to a Debian package, you would type "sudo alien --to-deb abc123.tar.gz" [it would create the package abc123.deb])
That's it! Your done! Pretty simple huh? (You can use this to convert a package in one format to your native format; in Kubuntu, the native format is .deb, and as such, you can convert any of the above formats to the .deb format which is a one-click executable installation package in Kubuntu, similar to .exe packages in Window$.)
This public message brought to you in part by integr8e. Thank you for taking the time out of your incredibly busy, hectic, mind boggling day to read this post, I guarantee your attention is appreciated greatly by the author of this How To. All comments/suggestions are more than welcome; have a totally great, super awesome, absolutely amazing, completely incredible, God (Jesus) blessed day and night, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and all successive days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millennia, and ultimately eternity. Always remember, SSWJ - Stay(ing) Strong With Jesus, always