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i like coherence in desktop environments

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    i like coherence in desktop environments

    Hi... im kinda of newbie with Kubuntu. Im a developer but i have a dtp background.

    I like desktop environments and Kubuntu with kde and plasma is one i like the most (i like cinammon as well). I like the coherence of everything, the bars, the smooothed fonts.

    But the other day I was configuring / installing phpstorm (with an tga.gz file) and was very dissapointed to me that at the end I had a different look and feel than the environment.

    Is there a way to compile / configure a software and give it the same look and feel that the kde plasma applications?

    i dont know if i made myself clear because english is not my main language. Thanks in advance.

    If you want coherence, then all the software you use in Kubuntu will need to use and follow KDE's Plasma GUI libraries and visual guidelines.
    Just as in Unity or Gnome, they have to use and follow Gtk3 libraries and visual guidelines.

    In a Plasma desktop, we at least have special Gtk themes that make Gnome apps like more like KDE software.

    Most software uses the look and feel from whatever set of libraries are used when they write it. To have a Gtk program, say like gedit, to have a Plasma look, it would need to have a separate gui written for it. This would basically make it an entirely separate program, so it is not really worth someone's time and effort to create this.
    There are a very small number of programs that have both the option to build with a Gtk3 as well as a Qt or Plasma gui. These are specifically written to be this way, however.

    In the case of phpstorm, (closed source?) they use whatever gui that they want, I have no idea what they created it in (Java?), so in this case you are most likely stuck with whatever they provide you with.
    Last edited by claydoh; Jun 02, 2017, 02:35 PM.


      phpstorm looks like garbage no matter what OS its installed in. Its a nice editor, but I do wish they would spend some of the money we give them (and it is a lot!) on improving the look of their product.


        Hey whatthefunk... you are really damn right!!

        And thanks for the explanation claydoh i thought I could tweak some of the gui in a... yes... java closed source software... but I see now that is not possible, is it?

