On a PC that is too slow for KDE I have tried to use Fluxbox.
However, there should be a menu file in the .fluxbox subdirectory in my home directory. I find one - but it is without the submenus in a file I have found in
www.linux.org/lessons/fluxbox :
I tried copy the Firefox entry - but it does not work. Maybe there are some of you who have a sample file? Or know how to do this?
One other problem - I don't find any log out option?
However, there should be a menu file in the .fluxbox subdirectory in my home directory. I find one - but it is without the submenus in a file I have found in
www.linux.org/lessons/fluxbox :
[begin] (Fluxbox) [submenu] (Net) [submenu] (Browsers) [exec] (mozilla) {mozilla} [nop] (--------) [exec] (opera) {env QT_XFT=true opera} [exec] (konqueror) {kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing} [nop] (--------) [exec] (w3m) {xterm -e w3m fluxbox.org} [exec] (lynx) {xterm -e lynx fluxbox.org} [nop] (--------) [exec] (Firefox) {$HOME/firefox/firefox} [end] [submenu] (IM) [exec] (ayttm) {ayttm} [exec] (Yahoo) {ymessenger} [exec] (gaim) {gaim} [end] [submenu] (IRC) [exec] (xchat) {xchat} [end] [submenu] (Mail) [exec] (Evolution) {evolution} [end] [end]
One other problem - I don't find any log out option?