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WiFi Connection Crashes System ASUS USB-N13

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    WiFi Connection Crashes System ASUS USB-N13

    I just upgraded my system from Kubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 because I am trying to go to Wireless Networking with my new ASUS USB-N13. I used a wired Ehternet to start. The upgrade went fine. I can detect available networks with the network app and I have put in the correct password for my home WiFi. When I try to connect the screen freezes with a couple of lights blinking on my screen. The documentation implies that I can search for missing drivers with System Setup. When I try to do that, nothing happens. It seems as if the search never starts.

    I do still have wired Ethernet available so I can download additional drivers if necessary, but I don't know how to proceed and Google hasn't been helpful.

    I do have wireless working on another linux system so it is not the card.

    Make sure you have the proper wi-fi drivers installed first before going further.
    • Using a package manager or command line, make sure you have the package 'ubuntu-drivers-common' installed
    • In a terminal, type
      sudo ubuntu-drivers devices
    • Note there is no dash between 'drivers' and 'devices', but there is a space
    • This will show any devices on your system needing a proprietary (non-free) driver installed to work
    • If the above shows a device (hopefully in your case, your wifi chip) needing a driver, in a terminal, type
      sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
      This will install drivers that are appropriate for automatic installation

    Let us know how this works out.
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      Thanks for replying. The only driver that it shows that is proprietary is the Nvidia driver. I'm wondering whether this device has firmware that isn't loaded.



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