Ok I will never, ever, never get it. Why there isn't a GUI way to move your home folder to another device like a flash drive. CP this rsync that and then the attributes have set off a bad asthma attack. For some reason on the laptop I want to copy to won't give me the name of the flash drive. When I write dir /media it gives me the same name as the external drive that was once hooked up to the computer. Plus if I insert two flash drives it still gives the one and only name of the once install external hard drive.
So once again linux has sent me off the edge. So for now I am back on my WIN 7 machine that I can do just about anything with a GUI app. The only time I need to go to CMD is maybe to ipconfig, etc.
So once again linux has sent me off the edge. So for now I am back on my WIN 7 machine that I can do just about anything with a GUI app. The only time I need to go to CMD is maybe to ipconfig, etc.