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conky thread :]

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    conky thread :]

    Decided to start a conky thread since there are at least three of us working with conky and KF5.

    I took my working conky install, commented the heck out of it so folks could see different sections and get some ideas on their own. This commented config *has not been tested* but should be pretty close to what I'm running and will share how to put text inside of graphs, how to change color based on conditionals and how to break up long lines. Posting this now, but when I get home I'll test it, make sure it works the way it's supposed to and then post a final and a screen recording so you guys can see it - but there's lots of ideas here:
    -- Starting with version 1.10, conky config is following lua format; there are several changes.
    -- all configuration items end with a trailing comma.
    -- all string variables are enclosed in single quotes.
    -- all boolean responses are now true/false instead of yes/no
    -- also notice that comments are two dashes and a space 
    -- until you get into the text area, where # still works.
    -- here we go...
    conky.config = {
    -- conky setup
    update_interval = 0.5,
    update_interval_on_battery = 3,
    background = true,
    total_run_times = 0,
    cpu_avg_samples = 1,
    no_buffers = true,
    text_buffer_size = 8192,
    temperature_unit = 'celsius',
    -- needed if you want to display degree symbols
    override_utf8_locale = true,
    -- set up window
    alignment = 'top_right',
    gap_x = 20,
    gap_y = 72,
    maximum_width = 198,
    double_buffer = true,
    background = true,
    own_window = true,
    own_window_transparent = true,
    -- for most installations own_window type will be 'normal' or 'desktop'.
    -- to function correctly in KDE own_window_type must be 'dock'.
    own_window_type = 'dock',
    own_window_argb_visual = true,
    -- own_window_hints:
    -- undecorated = no window decorations
    -- below = keep below other windows
    -- sticky = show on all desktops
    -- skip_taskbar, skip_pager prevents a taskbar icon or an alt-tab switch to conky.
    own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
    draw_borders = false,
    draw_shades = false,
    draw_outline = false,
    use_xft = true,
    font = 'Arial:size=11',
    uppercase = false,
    short_units = true,
    -- colors
    -- you can assign colors here and then just refer to them in the text section.
    -- Note they're string variables without a leading #
    color0 = '68696b', -- bar/graph color
    color1 = 'cccccc', -- text color
    color7 = '4dff4d', -- green
    color8 = 'ffff4d', -- yellow
    color9 = 'ff4d4d', -- red
    -- text
    conky.text = [[
    # anything after here uses a hashtag to comment instead of double dashes.
    # date and time display
    ${font Arial:size=24}${color1}${alignc}${time %l:%M %P}${font}
    ${font Arial:size=9}${alignc}  ${time %A}, ${time %B} ${time %e}${font}
    # cpu frequency.  Note cpu freq is green unless running at less than max speed.
    ${voffset 10}${color1}cpu freq:${alignr}${color7}${if_match ${freq 1} < 1734}${color8}${endif}${freq 1}${color1} mhz
    # cpu temperature.  Colors change to yellow at 75°C and red at 90°C.
    ${color1}cpu temp:${alignr}${color7}${if_match ${i8k_cpu_temp} > 75}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${i8k_cpu_temp} > 90}${color9}${endif}${i8k_cpu_temp}°C
    # 1m, 5m and 15m cpu load.  Note color changes as load increases. 
    ${voffset 12}${color1}${alignc}1m: ${if_match ${loadavg 1} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 1} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 1} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 1}${color1} 5m: ${if_match ${loadavg 2} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 2} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 2} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 2}${color1} 15m: ${if_match ${loadavg 3} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 3} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 3} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 3}
    # cpu graph.  
    ${font Arial:size=9}${voffset -10}${color0}${cpugraph cpu0 4dff4d ff4d4d -t -l}
    # text inside cpu graph.  Note color changes here also.
    # Also, you can use a backslash to break up long lines.  This is handy.
    ${color1}${goto 36}${voffset -28}cpu load: ${goto 156}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 3}${color7}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu0}%
    # Individual CPU indicators - cpu 0-3  
    # cpu0 - note that conky starts numbering cores at 1 instead of zero.  With conky, cpu0 = all cores.
    ${color0}${voffset -2}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 3}${color7}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu1 22,46}\
    # cpu1 
    ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu2 22,46}\
    # cpu2
    ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu3 22,46}\
    # cpu3
    ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu4 22,46}
    # cpu load numbers for first four indicators.  These go inside the indicators  :) 
    ${font Arial:size=7}\
    # cpu0
    ${color1}${voffset -27}${goto 26}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu1}%\
    # cpu1
    ${goto 72}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu2}%\
    # cpu2
    ${goto 120}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu3}%\
    # cpu 3
    ${goto 172}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu4}%
    # Individual CPU indicators - cpu 4-7
    # cpu4
    ${color0}${voffset 12}${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu5 22,46}\
    # cpu5
    ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu6 22,46}\
    # cpu6
    ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu7 22,46}\
    # cpu7
    ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu8 22,46}
    # cpu load numbers for the last four indicators.  These go inside the indicators  :) 
    # cpu4
    ${color1}${voffset -22}${goto 26}${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu5}%\
    # cpu5
    ${goto 72}${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu6}%\
    # cpu6
    ${goto 120}${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu7}%\
    # cpu7
    ${goto 172}${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu8}%${font}
    # memory bar.  Note conditional at the end of the line.
    ${color1}${voffset 24}memory:${alignr}$mem / $memmax
    ${color0}${goto 6}${membar} ${if_existing /proc/swaps partition}
    # swapbar only displays if there is a swap partition activated.  See conditional above.
    ${color1}swap:${alignr}$swap / $swapmax
    ${color0}${goto 6}${swapbar}${endif}
    # simple filesystem bar.  This one is for /
    ${color1}root:${alignr}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}
    ${color0}${goto 6}${fs_bar /}
    # and another filesystem bar for /home
    ${color1}/home:${alignr}${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home}
    ${color0}${goto 6}${fs_bar /home}${if_existing /mnt/external/archive}
    # This filesystem bar only displays if a specific external drive is mounted.
    ${color1}external:${alignr}${fs_used /mnt/external} / ${fs_size /mnt/external}
    ${color0}${goto 6}${fs_bar /mnt/external}${endif}
    # disk i/o numbers
    ${color0}${voffset 6}${alignc}disk i/o:
    # wireless information.  only displays if wireless is connected.
    ${color1}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
    ${color1}${voffset -34}wlan:${alignr}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}%
    ${color0}${goto 6}${wireless_link_bar wlan0}
    ${alignc}${color0}${voffset 8}dn: ${color1}${downspeedf wlan0}${color0} kbps
    ${alignc}up: ${color1}${upspeedf wlan0}${color0} kbps${endif}
    # battery indicator.  Outside border of battery bar turns yellow or red depending on battery percentage.
    ${color1}${voffset -10}battery:${alignr}${battery_percent}%
    ${color0}${goto 6}${battery_bar}${if_match ${battery_percent} <= 99}${color8}${goto 6}${execbar echo 0}${endif}${if_match ${battery_percent} <= 10}${color9}${goto 6}${execbar echo 0}${endif}
    ${font Arial:size=9}${alignc}${voffset -6}${battery_time}
    # nodename, uptime, kernel version
    ${font Arial:size=11}${color0}${alignc}${voffset -12}${nodename}
    ${color1}${alignc}uptime: ${uptime}
    ${color0}${alignc}kernel: ${kernel}
    # and we end things with a couple of square brackets
    edit: Tested code above at home, made a couple changes and it works as designed - gif below is running the code in the code block. Lotsa comments in there

    edit v2.0: And the screenshot. Note that while making this gif I mounted an external drive which showed up after mounting and unplugged power to the laptop, forcing cpu governor to powersave. You can see conky's display change with the additional drive and slower CPU speed.

    Last edited by wizard10000; Sep 14, 2016, 02:12 PM.
    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
    -- anais nin

    Very nice post ,,,and work on that explained/commented .conckyrc .

    really like those individual cpu load indicators ,,,,,,,,,but also like my ,,,,"top" type highest-cpu and highest-memory usage indicators ,,as it tells whats pushing the cpu ,,,,,,now I'm torn on what I want ,,,,,,,,,<sigh>

    O ya ,,,,,,,,it looks good as well

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      That's a very 'clean' display. I really like the core indicators and how you chose to show the load coloration. This is one of the best non-lua conky displays I've seen in quite awhile.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        That is nice. Have any issues with that disappearing/reappearing act?


          Lol hey great thread!
          I thought I'd give it a go, but, unfortunately got this:

          woodsmoke@neon:~$ conky
          conky: desktop window (2200010) is subwindow of root window (4a2)
          conky: window type - dock
          conky: drawing to created window (0x7200002)
          conky: drawing to double buffer
          conky: statfs64 '/mnt/external': No such file or directory
          conky: forked to background, pid is 16319
          conky: statfs64 '/mnt/external': No such file or directory
          conky: /proc/i8k doesn't exist! use insmod to make sure the kernel driver is loaded...


            Had to mod it here and there. Looks good. Will see if it stays and not disappear/reappear.


              lol well I think I'll dig up the script for my last X! and modify that using your stuff.



                Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                That's a very 'clean' display. I really like the core indicators and how you chose to show the load coloration. This is one of the best non-lua conky displays I've seen in quite awhile.
                Appreciate the kind words

                lua doesn't like me much and I'm not a developer; last time I tried to play with lua I ran into a memory leak I wasn't bright enough to resolve

                My next project is to get conky to slide off the right side of the screen when my cursor hits a hot screen edge and then redisplay when I hit that screen edge again. I had it working with a hotkey but that's not exactly what I want. Using wmctrl and a shell script I was able to show and hide conky with the same hotkey but if you look in systemsettings there's no built-in way to call a script with a screen edge or a hot corner. xdotool is the tool of choice for stuff like this but I wasn't able to make xdotool launch a script, even though the man page says it will.

                Filed a wishlist bug against kwin and asked for a file picker option for hot corners and was told by the kwin dev that I could do this with a kwin script and that building it into kwin would be a pretty scary proposition because bug reports from people who couldn't make their script work

                So now I need to learn to speak a little kwin. This is just eye candy so I have lotsa time, though
                we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                -- anais nin


                  Originally posted by MoonRise View Post
                  That is nice. Have any issues with that disappearing/reappearing act?
                  Nope - but I'm running Plasma 5.74 and as long as own_window_type is set to dock I've had no issues.
                  we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                  -- anais nin


                    Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
                    Appreciate the kind words
                    If you have time, and only if, would you make a copy of your .conkyrc, but written for version 1.9.x and post it?
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                      If you have time, and only if, would you make a copy of your .conkyrc, but written for version 1.9.x and post it?
                      I sure will. Converted it and it threw a couple errors which I'm chasing down now; once I can get the old version to run on my machine without errors I'll post it. Right now it's complaining about an '=' sign that causes another complaint about a missing sign if it's not there

                      Oh, well - I'll get it.
                      we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                      -- anais nin


                        Here you go - it still throws one error that doesn't appear to matter - one other thing about the temperature indicator: I have a Dell laptop and use i8k sensors for temperature which most likely won't work unless you have a Dell laptop ${acpitemp} or parsing sensors' output should work.
                        ## conky setup
                        update_interval 0.5
                        update_interval_on_battery 3
                        background yes
                        total_run_times 0
                        cpu_avg_samples 1
                        no_buffers yes
                        text_buffer_size 8192
                        temperature_unit celsius
                        ## needed if you want to display degree symbols
                        override_utf8_locale yes
                        ## set up window
                        alignment top_right
                        gap_x 20
                        gap_y 72
                        maximum_width 198
                        double_buffer yes
                        background yes
                        own_window yes
                        own_window_transparent yes
                        ## for most installations own_window type will be 'normal' or 'desktop'.
                        ## to function correctly in KDE own_window_type must be 'dock'.
                        own_window_type dock
                        own_window_argb_visual yes
                        ## own_window_hints:
                        ## undecorated = no window decorations
                        ## below = keep below other windows
                        ## sticky = show on all desktops
                        ## skip_taskbar, skip_pager prevents a taskbar icon or an alt-tab switch to conky.
                        own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
                        draw_borders no
                        draw_shades no
                        draw_outline no
                        use_xft yes
                        font Arial:size=11
                        uppercase no
                        short_units yes
                        ## colors
                        ## you can assign colors here and then just refer to them in the text section.
                        ## Note they're string variables without a leading #
                        color0 68696b ## bar/graph color
                        color1 cccccc ## text color
                        color7 4dff4d ## green
                        color8 ffff4d ## yellow
                        color9 ff4d4d ## red
                        # date and time display
                        ${font Arial:size=24}${color1}${alignc}${time %l:%M %P}${font}
                        ${font Arial:size=9}${alignc}  ${time %A}, ${time %B} ${time %e}${font}
                        # cpu frequency.  Note cpu freq is green unless running at less than max speed.
                        ${voffset 10}${color1}cpu freq:${alignr}${color7}${if_match ${freq 1} < 1734}${color8}${endif}${freq 1}${color1} mhz
                        # cpu temperature.  Colors change to yellow at 75°C and red at 90°C.
                        ${color1}cpu temp:${alignr}${color7}${if_match ${i8k_cpu_temp} > 75}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${i8k_cpu_temp} > 90}${color9}${endif}${i8k_cpu_temp}°C
                        # 1m, 5m and 15m cpu load.  Note color changes as load increases. 
                        ${voffset 12}${color1}${alignc}1m: ${if_match ${loadavg 1} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 1} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 1} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 1}${color1} 5m: ${if_match ${loadavg 2} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 2} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 2} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 2}${color1} 15m: ${if_match ${loadavg 3} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 3} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 3} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 3}
                        # cpu graph.  
                        ${font Arial:size=9}${voffset -10}${color0}${cpugraph cpu0 4dff4d ff4d4d -t -l}
                        # text inside cpu graph.  Note color changes here also.
                        # Also, you can use a backslash to break up long lines.  This is handy.
                        ${color1}${goto 36}${voffset -28}cpu load: ${goto 156}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 3}${color7}${endif}\
                        ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu0}%
                        # Individual CPU indicators - cpu 0-3  
                        # cpu0 - note that conky starts numbering cores at 1 instead of zero.  With conky, cpu0 = all cores.
                        ${color0}${voffset -2}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 3}${color7}${endif}\
                        ${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu1 22,46}\
                        # cpu1 
                        ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
                        ${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu2 22,46}\
                        # cpu2
                        ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
                        ${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu3 22,46}\
                        # cpu3
                        ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
                        ${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu4 22,46}
                        # cpu load numbers for first four indicators.  These go inside the indicators  :) 
                        ${font Arial:size=7}\
                        # cpu0
                        ${color1}${voffset -27}${goto 26}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu1}%\
                        # cpu1
                        ${goto 72}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu2}%\
                        # cpu2
                        ${goto 120}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu3}%\
                        # cpu 3
                        ${goto 172}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu4}%
                        # Individual CPU indicators - cpu 4-7
                        # cpu4
                        ${color0}${voffset 12}${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
                        ${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu5 22,46}\
                        # cpu5
                        ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
                        ${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu6 22,46}\
                        # cpu6
                        ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
                        ${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu7 22,46}\
                        # cpu7
                        ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
                        ${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu8 22,46}
                        # cpu load numbers for the last four indicators.  These go inside the indicators  :) 
                        # cpu4
                        ${color1}${voffset -22}${goto 26}${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu5}%\
                        # cpu5
                        ${goto 72}${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu6}%\
                        # cpu6
                        ${goto 120}${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu7}%\
                        # cpu7
                        ${goto 172}${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu8}%${font}
                        # memory bar.  Note conditional at the end of the line.
                        ${color1}${voffset 24}memory:${alignr}$mem / $memmax
                        ${color0}${goto 6}${membar} ${if_existing /proc/swaps partition}
                        # swapbar only displays if there is a swap partition activated.  See conditional above.
                        ${color1}swap:${alignr}$swap / $swapmax
                        ${color0}${goto 6}${swapbar}${endif}
                        # simple filesystem bar.  This one is for /
                        ${color1}root:${alignr}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}
                        ${color0}${goto 6}${fs_bar /}
                        # and another filesystem bar for /home
                        ${color1}/home:${alignr}${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home}
                        ${color0}${goto 6}${fs_bar /home}${if_existing /mnt/external/archive}
                        # This filesystem bar only displays if a specific external drive is mounted.
                        ${color1}external:${alignr}${fs_used /mnt/external} / ${fs_size /mnt/external}
                        ${color0}${goto 6}${fs_bar /mnt/external}${endif}
                        # disk i/o numbers
                        ${color0}${voffset 6}${alignc}disk i/o:
                        # wireless information.  only displays if wireless is connected.
                        ${color1}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
                        ${color1}${voffset -34}wlan:${alignr}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}%
                        ${color0}${goto 6}${wireless_link_bar wlan0}
                        ${alignc}${color0}${voffset 8}dn: ${color1}${downspeedf wlan0}${color0} kbps
                        ${alignc}up: ${color1}${upspeedf wlan0}${color0} kbps${endif}
                        # battery indicator.  Outside border of battery bar turns yellow or red depending on battery percentage.
                        ${color1}${voffset -10}battery:${alignr}${battery_percent}%
                        ${color0}${goto 6}${battery_bar}${if_match ${battery_percent} <= 99}${color8}${goto 6}${execbar echo 0}${endif}${if_match ${battery_percent} <= 10}${color9}${goto 6}${execbar echo 0}${endif}
                        ${font Arial:size=9}${alignc}${voffset -6}${battery_time}
                        # nodename, uptime, kernel version
                        ${font Arial:size=11}${color0}${alignc}${voffset -12}${nodename}
                        ${color1}${alignc}uptime: ${uptime}
                        ${color0}${alignc}kernel: ${kernel}
                        # and we end things with a couple of square brackets
                        we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                        -- anais nin


                          Well, I can say I appreciate the new format presented as I've been wanting to convert mine to that. I was hoping doing that would fix the disappear/reappear issue but it didn't though it doesn't seem to do it as often. Maybe wishful thinking on that. However, I then took what I had and bound it with some of yours and using that new config format for some reason displays better. So to a large part very pleased.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	DT20160916b.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	52.1 KB
ID:	643312


                            Looks great!
                            we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                            -- anais nin


                              Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
                              Here you go - it still throws one error that doesn't appear to matter - one other thing about the temperature indicator: I have a Dell laptop and use i8k sensors for temperature which most likely won't work unless you have a Dell laptop ${acpitemp} or parsing sensors' output should work.
                              Thank you.

                              Tried it on my HP laptop, but it fails to load conky; it crashes. I suspect that it's because of the sensor identification for your CPU (i8k_cpu_temp).
                              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

