Hello! I have recently installed Kubuntu 16.04 to a new partition (after a failed upgrade, a whole other ordeal) and I am going through the distro customizing specific things several of which are more challenging than I believe they should be. A prime example of this would be the broken KMenu and editor.
I open kmenuedit then start moving my entries around, adding new submenus, separators, and changing names/descriptions to suit my needs. I click on "Save" and check the menu.. and it doesn't look like what I just configured. I rebooted, some things now look closer, but there are some wonky items that I cannot fix/remove such as .hidden-2 [Hidden]; some items have disappeared entirely (I can't find them to restore them), and when running kmenuedit in Konsole there is an error when saving:
Needless to say, I am feeling quite frustrated while I recreate icons for applications manually.. not forgetting the original menu changes I was attempting to make. I am looking for an alternative means to editing the kmenu manually, or if there is a functional application I can install that does a better job?
Thank You!
I open kmenuedit then start moving my entries around, adding new submenus, separators, and changing names/descriptions to suit my needs. I click on "Save" and check the menu.. and it doesn't look like what I just configured. I rebooted, some things now look closer, but there are some wonky items that I cannot fix/remove such as .hidden-2 [Hidden]; some items have disappeared entirely (I can't find them to restore them), and when running kmenuedit in Konsole there is an error when saving:
[FONT=monospace]kbuildsycoca4(5135) VFolderMenu::loadDoc: Parse error in "/home/allenwjones/.config/menus/applications-merged/xd g-desktop-menu-dummy.menu" , line 1 , col 1 : "unexpected end of file" kbuildsycoca4(5135) parseLayoutNode: The menu spec file contains a Layout or DefaultLayout tag without the mandat ory Merge tag inside. Please fix your file. [/FONT]
Thank You!