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nvidia gtx770 , tearing & long bios beep on shutdown, logoff, restart

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    nvidia gtx770 , tearing & long bios beep on shutdown, logoff, restart

    ok i have installed 14.04 and added backport then update & upgrade. So far so good no crashes as yet.

    Its now notifying me that i need to install my nvidia drivers. It recommends nvidia 346.

    I have not clicked/ticked it yet though because i know as soon as i do i will get some strange stuff start happening. If i log-off or shutdown it will take ages and more importantly it will give a long internal beep before the computer finally switches off or logs out or reboots (whatever it was doing). It has done this on every distro , every version & every driver version except nouveau (whatever it called). I cant just use nouveau as everything tears very badly.

    Im not worried about the tearing just yet as i have got a few methods that might work to solve that but the strange long shutdown time and bios beep just before shutting down/restating i really should look at.

    So i suppose as im starting again i should take a look at this and see what you chaps say about it.

    Last edited by JackDinn; Sep 25, 2015, 11:56 AM.

    Sounds like a hardware issue to me - like your power supply isn't strong enough.

    If you told us your system details someone might actually be able to offer some advice...

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      Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz
      Mem 16G
      Nvidia GTX 770
      PSU 750W

      Windows has no trouble even if i push the vid card with bench tests etc


        Well, 750 sounds like enough power unless you're also massively overclocking and running 4-5 hard drives (I had to upgrade to 1000W a while back ). According to NewEgg you clock in at 662W if you have 4 hard drives. If you're running closer to the edge of max power than that, it's conceivable (but not super-likely) that windows isn't stressing your system as much.

        The "every version, every distro..." doesn't sound like it's a Linux problem. Kernel bugs don't follow you around and there's dozens of distros and even more kernel/driver versions. I've run nothing but nvidia cards since the mid-90s and run nothing but Linux since the late-90s. I've encountered various issues but I've never heard of a kernel or driver causing your BIOS to post error codes. I also never had any real success using nouveau. Every install I've done since Kubuntu 9.04 the first thing I do after my initial update is install the nvidia driver. I realize this isn't really helpful, but it serves to illustrate your issue might not be the OS or driver necessarily.

        What type/brand of BIOS? There's various code lists published for those beeps.

        If you think it's kernel or driver related, why not install 12.04 and the lowest compatible version driver (173? 2??, 303?) and see what happens.

        With the i7 you likely have on-board Intel graphics as well as the nVidia card. If so, you have to either disable the onboard graphics or run the optimus/nvidia prime/bumblebee (whatever they're calling it now) setup...

        Please Read Me


          ok thx, that all sounds very complex and im tired for now. I shall see if i can see what my bios & version is in the morning.

          I have 2 hdds and they are both SSD, a dvd drive & thats about it (apart from vid card), suppose mouse and KB on the usb's but nothing else on usb.

          I have not turned off the onboard vid as i sometimes use it but i did set the PCI to be the primary output (i use 2 of the GTX770 outputs, DVI for my monitor & a HDMI for my TV for films), i cant even remember how to turn the onboard off but im sure i can figure it if i take a look.

          I am still wondering if it is best to use the recommended nvidia driver (346 on this kubuntu) or download the recommended 352 from nvidia directly? although im sure they would both do the same. I read stuff about needing to blacklist the nouveau drivers somewhere , more complications , but then i read you dont need to as its automatically done when you install the nvidia driver. *more scratching head*.



            well this is my mobo

            iv found the post beep codes, but there is no code for 1 long beep at shutdown :-/ im sure P.O.S.T does not even apply to shutdown and also why would it do it on logoff as well ?

            shall try turning off the on-board vid as soon as iv woken up a bit


              yes you have my deepest gratitude , turning off the on-board vid worked ! and so far everything else is working to without any problems , maybe it has been the cause of a lot of my problems up to now, fingers crossed.

              thank you all.


                Originally posted by JackDinn View Post
                yes you have my deepest gratitude , turning off the on-board vid worked ! and so far everything else is working to without any problems , maybe it has been the cause of a lot of my problems up to now, fingers crossed.

                thank you all.
                You can still use both video cards, but you have to use one of the special set-ups for it. AFAIK, it used to be real buggy, but this last year or so they have it figured out. There's lots of info out there if you want to try it:

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                  ok i shall maybe take a look into all that , i do use the onboard out sometimes.

                  A quick separate question though, how do i change the fonts on thunderbird ? they look pretty bad atm (top and left panels). i think they are GTK2 and iv looked at the Configuration of the style of GTK applications in the configs but changing the font there does not seem to do anything to thuinderbird. I have searched quite a bit but am only getting old advice.

                  Last edited by JackDinn; Sep 27, 2015, 01:59 AM.


                    You might be able to help it by switching to oxygen-gtk and back. There's no Breeze-gtk yet.

                    I haven't used Tbird in years and I avoid GTK as much as possible.

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                      thx, but its already on oxygen-gtk, i have switched it to releigh and back but no dif, i have also downloaded some other GTK2 themes and tried them but they are just making things worse :-/

                      It seems thunderbird used to have a .chrome folder in its profile where there was a file you could change or something but that folder no longer exists. Quite surprised how hard this answer is to find since it used to be possible.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	snapshot2.png
Views:	1
Size:	38.3 KB
ID:	643051

                      p.s. so whats this font option here for then ?

