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2 SMS Notifications for one message. Why 2? Image included.

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    [DESKTOP] 2 SMS Notifications for one message. Why 2? Image included.

    The upper one shows

    "Messaging: Message - New Message"

    The lower one shows

    SMS from <contact> <phone number>: <message body>

    Obviously I prefer the lower one

    Can anyone identify these and why there are two of them? I do use KDE Connect
    Attached Files
    KDE neon LTS 5.12

    the top one is the messaging system ,,,the bottom one is some app monitoring for sms ,,,,,,I do not recognize it ,,I dont get sms ,,,,,

    some one else will eventually recognize it and chime in on this

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      I will get only a single, the top, notification.

      As vinny says, it looks like some 3rd. party app that's also monitoring the messages.
      I use a quite standard Nexus so it doesn't have much in additional apps.


        It appears to be KDE Connect. (you guys don't use this? It is awesome!!)

        Tried a reverse image search with google and found this page

        You can see the exact same notification on the bottom of the page. Translating shows it is KDE connect.

        Sure hope the native notifier catches up. It sure is nice to see the message on the desktop.

        p.s. one of my fave things about kde connect is Copy on device and Paste on desktop or vice a versa. And easy file transfers.

        Thanks all
        KDE neon LTS 5.12


          KDEconnect is awesome ,,,,,,,,,,,but I do not own a smart phone so have no use for it

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            I'm pretty sure I get two notifications as well. They are both from KDE Connect. But it hasn't bothered me much as I don't get many SMSes ... instant messaging like WhatsApp instead!

            Options in KDE Connect control this - I assume it's seeing an Android new message notification and telling you about that (Notification Sync option), and separately seeing the SMS itself and notifying you about that (Telephony Integration option). But if you turn off Telephony integration you might not get any notifications for voice calls.
            I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

